Monday, December 15, 2014

Episode 6x20 "The Truth About Honesty"

Our four heroes are all in the bathroom at the same time because friends love to shower and shave as a team. As usual, Angela seems completely superfluous. She has lines, which is better than usual, but she doesn't actually contribute anything. But hey, she signed a contract, might as well write her into the show. Cory is grossed out by Topanga having used his razor to shave her legs, and honestly I'm surprised Topanga even shaves her legs at all. Actually, back in "Cory's Alternative Friends" in season 1, Cory says "You're going to be one of those girls who doesn't shave her legs, aren't you," and she answers that she hasn't decided yet. I know you've all been on the edge of your seats since then, this plot thread taunting you with its dangling threadiness, so here you go. We finally have the answer. 

BOY MEETS WORLD REVIEWED. FIVE STARS. Critics are raving, "Yeah it's okay but I'd rather just watch the show."

Anyway Cory lies about being grossed out, but Angela tells Topanga the truth (they're all still in the bathroom), so Topanga decides to make a giant mountain out of the smallest molehill I've ever seen. Like those molehills in Banjo Kazooie? Smaller than that. Topgangrene declares that they have to be 100% completely honest with each other from now on. Cory thinks it's a good deal, but Shawn can see danger from a mile away. Well, from the other side of the bathroom. I don't know how far that is.

We've transitioned to the coffee shop side of The Union, and I'm seeing on the side of a mug that this place is called Brew Lagoon. I probably should have caught that a long time ago. Topaljs;dj comments that "My Petite Chou" is playing at the university theatre, and I swear they used that earlier the series. It's not a real movie, and it sounds so familiar, so it must have been on this show... 

Cory, inspired by his new honesty powers, declares that he doesn't want to see My Petite Chou. Or the Icecapades! Because he can't get in trouble for honesty now, and darn it, he doesn't like the Icecapades! Eric strolls in with, allegedly, Joshua in a baby carriage, but it's pretty obviously empty. Jack and Rachel show up next, exhibiting what I've decided to call "The Chubbie's Phenomenon", or Chubnomenon. The Chubnomenon is characterized by people independently showing up in quick succession. Apparently Jachel are having their "first dinner party". Everyone agrees to go, except Eric who doesn't want to deal with the emotional turmoil of being there.

Eric takes "Joshua" outside and pulls a Shawn, that is, woos a woman with lies by pretending to be the baby's father when she takes interest. And it's about time too. Eric hasn't had a girl since Jennifer Love Fefferman in 5x17. Amy and Alan continue the Chubnomenon, and actually pretend to be Joshua's grandparents to help Eric. They're probably just sick of Eric crying over Rachel, and will say pretty much anything at this point to get him to move on.

It's time for the dinner party, and we join our heroes in the elevator up to Jachel's apartment. Topanga has styled her hair in a way that I can only describe as "crinkle fries", and Cory is... well, see for yourself.

See? He wants to eat it. Cuz it looks like french fries.

He plays the "you want me to be honest" card again, describing in vivid detail how much he hates the crinkle fries hair. Funny stuff. Angela doesn't have any lines. 

Inside the apartment, Rachel is inspired by Corpanga's honesty deal to play a version of Truth or Dare for people that are afraid of dares. I mean, for God's sake, what if they dared you to say a bad word?  Anyway it's called The Honesty Game, and you draw a name out of a hat and ask that person a question, which they have to answer truthfully. 

Everyone is laughing at Jack's erection, and he's embarrassed. 

That was just too perfect, I'm sorry. But seriously, pants are so frustrating, that shit happens all the time.

 The running gag of the night is that Jack is too passive and doesn't voice his opinions, which certainly wasn't the case when he was constantly calling Eric a moron in every episode prior to this one. It's still pretty funny though, Matthew Lawrence does a great job with it. Eric arrives at the party with the girl he met earlier, Dana. As Shawn eloquently points out with a posh accent, this should be interesting since Eric has told Dana nothing but lies. Refer back to the logo to see Eric's opinion of Toplorable's hair. 

Crinkle Fries draws Shawn's name from the hat, and asks him who he wants to spend a no-strings-attached night with, out of everyone on earth. That is a seriously saucy question for Topanga, like, I would expect Cory or pretty much anyone else to ask that before Topanga. Regardless, he says Angela because the writers aren't quite finished boring us to death with that. At least she has an interesting response.

Topanga and Cory have some... interesting faces there.

Angela makes it clear that this has to be no-strings, no commitment, no emotional attachment, and then they head into... someone's bedroom. Now see that's the most interesting thing Angela's ever done. But I guess that's not saying much. Rachel asks Cory what he would change about Topanga if he could change any one thing, literally the third time this question has been asked tonight, demonstrating just HOW MUCH FUN this game can be. Props to Topanga for asking something else.

Everyone including Topanga expects Cory to make some comment about sex, but he actually says he doesn't want Topanga to need to be perfect all the time. This is confusing, since a few episodes ago he demanded that she act like the old Topanga, who, in addition to being "weird", needed to be perfect at everything. Regardless, she doesn't agree that she always needs to be perfect, and proves it with the harshest thing she's ever said.

Rachel is either as shocked as I am, or she, like Cory, wants to eat Topanga's crinkle fries. She did make tater tots, but it's just not the same.

Even though Topanga blatantly crossed the line, she decides that she is the victim and leaves the party, with Cory chasing after her. Rachel blames herself since she started The Honesty Game, but Jack explains that the party would have been bad no matter what. That's a touching sentiment, and Rachel appreciates it because she's not Topanga.

We take a trip over to the love shack, which is actually Rachel's room. Huh. My money was on Eric's old room. Poor Rachel. Shawn and Angela are going at it pretty hard while some cruiseliner saxophone music is playing in the background. Shawn's having trouble following the statute of "no emotional attachment", which is slightly backward from how things ended between them with Shawn unable to make a commitment, but I'm sure this will develop more as we go on. 

Well I'm... pretty sure it's Rachel's room, but... I guess you never know...

OKAY HERE WE GO NOW, Cory and Topanga are in the elevator to leave and they deal with the whole Yale shit pretty quick, BUT THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT HERE. Topanga comments, as they embrace, that she just wants to be able to use his razor, that she doesn't want a relationship that's just two individuals living under the same roof. Cory is still grossed out by the idea, even more by the idea of her using his toothbrush.  Oh, crap, we have to go back to the love shack real quick, but remember this, I love where this goes.

Shawn decides that it's a good time to confess his love to Angela, who really doesn't want to hear it, and then pushes him off the bed. 

Shawn realizes that he's starting to adopt some of the relationship values that Cory and Topanga have, and he's not exactly happy about it.

OKAY HERE IT IS, back in the elevator, Topanga's exploding about how ridiculous it is that Cory won't share his toothbrush if they're going to spend the rest of their lives together. Cory asks her if she can handle real honesty, and that is exactly what he brings to the table. "The truth is, I could never share any of my personal items with someone who won't even show me her tushie!"



What really seals the deal is that Crinkle Fries almost immediately agrees that that's fair. She's been demanding total emotional connection while holding back the physical connection, and because she's a rational human being she is able to admit that that was a bit one sided. Awesome. That is the kind of relationship development you want to see. A+. 

Corpanga re enter the party, with Cory declaring that he has "seen the promised land", and I mean, as far as I'm concerned, boobs are the promised land, but Cory is allowed to have his opinion. Angela and Shawn leave the party for some reason now. Sure the moment was ruined in the bedroom, but they might as well eat, I dunno. 

Eric goes on to claim that he is also Batman. As we all know, Will Friedle was the voice of the new Batman in Batman Beyond, which was an awesome cartoon, and it started airing a few months before this episode aired, so yeah, nice work, writers. Eric has been hilarious.

During the credits, Cory uses Topanga's deodorant in The Bathroom, which she thinks is gross, so I can't actually tell if we made any progress at all. Shawn follows Angela into the bathroom, another instance of the Chubnomenon, but he claims that he's not following her and doesn't care about her at all. She gives him a big smooch, but he stands his ground. Angela leaves the bathroom, raising the question of why she came in here to begin with, and as soon as she's gone Shawn hops over for a cold shower. The Hunter Boys' erections are out of control in this episode. 

Eric never got his tater tots :(

Plot: 1.0 - I don't have any real problems with this. I don't know anyone who hosts dinner parties at 19, but it was a fine excuse to have an ensemble episode. We haven't had a good one of these in a long time.

Character Development: 1.0 - Shawn's feelings for Angela re-emerge, Jack and Rachel actually seem like a genuine, functioning couple, and Cory and Topanga make some progress in their relationship as well. Great stuff, although Eric is still stuck in his lie-tacular situation. He doesn't seem to mind though.

Humor: 1.0 - Everybody was great. No complaints.

Life Lesson: 1.0 - Physical intimacy matters. And keeping it no-strings-attached might be harder than you think.

4.0 out of 4.0. Going into it, I didn't expect to give it a full score, but I really have nothing bad to say about it, and a lot of good things. Some real relationship developments happened here, and it was a lot of fun getting there. Anything negative in the writeup was just for comedic effect. I hope by now it's clear when I'm being negative for humor and when I'm being negative to be critical.

Thanks for reading, see you Wednesday.

All images used under Fair Use.


  1. Wow! This is surprising! I was totally expecting you to hate this episode! But yeah i guess as far as late-series episodes go it's pretty decent.

    Also, from certain angles, Cory reminds me of pre-crazy Shia Labeouf.

  2. "Eric never got his tater tots"

    uhhh i'm like 99% sure he grabs them out of the microwave or something at one point.
    yep 14:20, sorry for the slowed down video it's all i could find

    1. Oh yeah and this is probably my favorite season six episode it delivers on all fronts.

      Fun fact: Along with the season 5 episodes on drinking and premarital sex, these are the only three episodes banned from airing on Disney Channel

    2. He closes the microwave right after Rachel shows him the tater tots. Unless I'm missing him reopen it at some point?

      And crap! I totally forgot that this one was banned. I wonder what pushed this one over the edge.

  3. Looks like Angela's hairstylist got her broken-ass hands on Topanga this week.

  4. This is over-all a good and funny episode, but every time I see it I'm reminded that not only have Cory and Topanga never had sex, but we're literally expected to believe they've done *nothing* but kiss? It's just so crazy. Absent being firmly religious, which Topanga's not, I just find it completely unbelievable that she'd be that, for lack of a better word, prude.

    I get that it was 15 years ago and it was meant for a younger audience but then like... I wish they just wouldn't talk about it and we can just imagine it's happening and that they're normal. We get confirmation throughout the series that Eric and Shawn have sex, but they just don't make a huge graphic deal about it, and it seems to be fine in their case. I don't know. It just feels like that lame detail about them belongs on another show.

    1. Confirmation that Eric and Shawn have, separately, had sex, that is. With others. Eric and Shawn having sex with each other remains unconfirmed.

    2. Hehe, nice save. And yeah, you're not wrong, but the characters have admitted several times that they're freaks. It's well established that they are not a normal relationship. It's extremely unusual to see that level of prudishness without outward religiousness. And like you said, it really seems out of place on an otherwise progressive show.

      On the other hand, it's not exactly new. Cory complains about being a virgin in almost every episode. So I guess it doesn't seem worthwhile to sweat about it at this point. Maybe that just means they've broken me.

  5. I agree with your comment about boobs being the promise land rather than the butt. I can't stand how Topanga got totally out of line about her comment and then she had the nerve to act like Cory was the one who offended her. Also, I disagree with what you said about Old Topanga trying to achieve perfectionism. Old Topanga was more free-sprited. It's New Topanga whose the perfectionist. She was afraid of failing in The Eskimo, she competes with Minkus for A's, she's constantly trying to be "the perfect couple" with Cory and chased Feeny across the campus for giving her a B.

    1. I guess this is just semantics, but I figured "old Topanga" just meant qualities that she used to have, but doesn't anymore. She allegedly got over being a perfectionist in The Eskimo, so I considered perfectionism an "old" quality, but you're right, the perfectionist never coincided with the weird one.

  6. So according to Cory and Topanga, they have been dating for 17 years but they're just now reaching second base?

    1. I like to think that they've been dating since season 3, as we witnessed, and ignore the 17 year retcon. But yeah, second base just now is rather unfortunate.

  7. Last episode was a perfect call back to older seasons, but this one is showing how good season six could be on its own merits, without regressing. Everything was firing on all cylinders. Cory and Topanga are hilarious and poignant and normalish for them. Shawn and Angela gets its first bit of progress in forever, Jack and Rachel actually fit into the cast, and Eric is fucking hilarious. A real highlight.

  8. Surprised you didn't put this episode under the essentials section on the epilogue, easily a highlight of otherwise the worst season

  9. I seem to be in the minority but I don't think Topanga's comment about going to Yale was out of line. It should have been clear that Yale was a better option for her (post-)academic career, but she chose a worse school to be with Cory. No one made her do that, but to call her a perfectionist after making a decision like that, I can see why she got so offended.

    1. Even if she gave up Yale, she IS still a perfectionist. Every emotional struggle she’s ever had, including her and Cory’s breakups and Lauren and moving away from her parents, according to her in this episode “giving up Yale was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do”.
