Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Episode 5x15 "First Girlfriends Club"

(Seizure warning on the last gif, I guess. It's flashing really fast. Not tryin to kill anybody here.)

Valentine's Day is coming up, as is clear from the hallway's decorations. I can't imagine the holiday-decoration budget at this school. Recall that Topanga found Lauren's letter at the end of the previous episode, and has now brought it with her to school for some reason. All through the series I've admired Topanga's level headedness and maturity, pretty much her only selling point, and now that's out the window. If I were Topanga, I would bring Cory the letter and ask to read it with him. It doesn't matter though, since Angela has no concern for those sorts of things and rips the letter's envelope right open. Angela tries to make a joke and it's awful, then both girls read the letter and look sad. Boo hoo.

On the other side of the hall, we learn about Shawn Hunter's Valentine's Day anxiety. Apparently he doesn't have the necessary time to prepare for it.

He claims this is the first V-Day that's actually worth something (because of Angela) and he's afraid of screwing it up. Not to worry though! "Chasing Angela" Cory is here, riding a brand new saddle for his high horse. Cory is a self-proclaimed "Valentine's Day veteran, Shawn". Yes that's right, and what romantic evening do you have planned, wise veteran? "We have a dinner, at Chubbie's." Apparently they do that every year, recreating their first date, which takes absolutely no effort on the part of either person. That's dumb and you're dumb, Cory.

Topanga slams her soon to be ex boyfriend into a locker and tells him they need to talk. Credit where credit is due, this is the same thing we saw in Wake Up, Little Cory where Topanga gets PISSED and tells Cory off instead of devolving into a sad sack of crying mush, as other women on television are prone to do. Anger is much stronger and more compelling than sadness. Thumbs up for strong female characters.

She tells Cory she doesn't trust him anymore, and doesn't know if they can work this one out. And really, as Cory points out, it's sort of Shawn's fault for giving him the terrible advice to lie about the kiss in the previous episode.

Later, a group of three girls that we recognize from earlier seasons think that "all men are dogs" after this Corpanga scandal breaks in the school newspaper. Angela tries to defend the male gender, but these ladies think Shawn is the worst of all.

It's irrelevant, but look at the palette in this scene, everything is white red and black. Interesting.

OKAY SO I'M GONNA BLOW YOUR MINDS. I'm surprised nobody mentioned this in the comments yet. We know these three girls (im going to be calling them The Blondes) are Shawn's ex girlfriends, and I had to look up the one on the left. Her name is Libby, and she had like 10 seconds of screen time in The Last Temptation of Cory in season 3, a time when Cory and Topanga were very much in love and in a committed relationship.





What the fuck man! We did this EXACT SAME SHIT already! Except Cory wasn't a dumbass that time! And Topanga forgave him that time, like any reasonable person would, given the circumstances. But Shawn said in 5x14, and I quote, "She'll forgive you for lying, because you never have before, but she will never forgive you for kissing another girl." Cory has in fact lied before, and so has Topanga, so that first part is wrong, and she already forgave him for kissing another girl. So Shawn was just completely fucking wrong. They even used one of the girls from that episode. They're like,
"Oh, which of Shawn's exes should we bring in, how bout Libby?"

"Which episode was she in again?"

"Who caaaaares, there's no way it's relevant!"

Not only did the writers forget what that episode was about, but Libby was complicit in trying to get Cory to kiss Missy, and now she wants to call Cory a dog? Fuck everything about this.

Ugh. Anyway. The blonde in the middle is Jennifer from An Affair to Forget in season 4, and on the right is, of course, Dana from The Heart is a Lonely Hunter in season 3. Hooray.

I honestly don't want to review this anymore. I'm actually pissed because of The Last Temptation of Cory and I can't focus on this crap. I'm gonna make this brief, nothing important happens until the end anyway.

The Blondes resolve to exact their revenge against Shawn by ruining his V-Day date. At The Apartment, Shawn's getting ready to actually show up to a V-Day date for the first time.

Eric's hair is long again. Huh.

There's a note left at their door, apparently from Angela, saying to meet her at "the boathouse". Which.. pff.. come on. Anyway The Blondes are lying in wait at the boathouse. They handcuff Shawn to some metal pipes and begin the "Trial of Shawn Hunter", an examination of his womanizing past.

Angela shows up at The Apartment looking for Shawn, but wuh oh, he's not there. The Shrial of Hawn Tunter continues at the boathouse, and it's absurd. All the evidence is just "We dated... and then we didn't date anymore... how dare you...". It is beyond nonsense. Now Jack and Eric arrive on the scene, presumably with Angela as well.

Thank you, Eric, for your shining light in even the darkest of nightmares.

At home, Morgan's got some V-day chocolate and I do not care. Angela shows up looking for Shawn, so apparently she didn't go with Eric and Jack. I don't know why not. Eric calls the house to tell Cory the situation. Back at The Trial, who cares! Jack and Eric storm into the trial to argue in Shawn's defense. It's hilarious. Thank you Jack and Eric. Angela and Cory show up and Angela unlocks the handcuffs without the key. That's the power of love, baby.

There's a fairly decent conversation about forgiveness and trust and stuff, Eric and Jack are still hilarious, but there's a surprise witness for the prosecution.

Topanga is still unable to forgive Cory, and then she leaves, so I'm not really sure why she came here in the first place. There's actually a genuine and sweet dialogue between Shawn and Angela here, I think it's the only time that I actually feel good about their relationship. Cory is convinced that Topanga's still going to go to Chubbie's for their date, so he and Shangela head out. That leaves Jack and Eric to hit on The Blondes and escort the three of them out for a group date thing. Look out for my Jack x Dana fan fiction, hitting shelves this Christmas.

During the credits, Topanga does not, in fact, show up at Chubbie's. I'm pretty sure that wasn't actually their first date anyway.

Plot: 0 - IT SUCKED.

Character Development: 1.0 - Shawn admits that he used to be a womanizing jerk, and resolves to be a better person with Angela.

Humor: 1.0 - Jack and Eric man, Eric and Jack. Very funny. You know why it worked? Because Shawn and Cory work. And when they write these two like those two, as they did in this episode and the handful of episodes before this one, everybody has a good time.




  1. Is it terrible that I remembered Libby? Also love the Return of Alex Mack! And out of the blonde trial, Alex Mack is clearly the only one allowed to be rightfully upset. Shawn said he would be a good boyfriend to her and for some reason we never saw her again. And she got a three or four episode stint of being a girlfriend. Jennifer broke up with Shawn because she couldn't handle his love, I mean friendship with Cory. No one remembers Libby. It's like, whats her reason for being mad, "we hooked up at that party that one time..?" I find it odd that the end of this episode with Eric and Jack trying to date HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS! Thats...strange. Also, Corpanga is back to the status quo of "ugh" and this is when they start being exhausting.

  2. For years I thought Libby was just made up for this episode so there would be three girls instead of two. It wasn't till I rewatched the series did I realize she was actually in an episode.

  3. I love your commitment to this scoring system and how it is slowly tearing your soul apart.

  4. Small facts about this episode that may help us understand why it wasn't too good?
    1. I guess Eric's hair got long again between The Eskimo and First Girlfriends' Club as he was absent in Heartbreak Cory.

    2. Does anyone else notice that Feeny is not in this episode?

    3. Maybe it's just me, Angela seems to be acting very different in this episode than the way she acted before, particularly in the scene where Topanga opens the letter. Watch her in I Love You, Donna Karan/Chasing Angela and watch her here.

    4. Like you, I am completely pissed off at all of the ret-conning going on. Not just the fact that only 1 out of 3 of those girls (Dana Pruitt, who I LOVE) have any reason to be mad at Shawn. But they mention that Shawn made plans to be with them THIS Valentine's Day in this episode, meaning that Shawn must have had some strange interactions/dates between An Affair to Forget/I Love You, Donna Karan that we didn't hear anything about. No "hey, Cory, I just went out on a date with Dana after not talking to her for a year and a half" or "hey, Cory, I just went out with Jennifer after she tried to break us up"? That's total bullshit.

    5. This is perhaps the key reason why this episode kind of sucked: Linda Cardellini is nowhere to be found! This is the only episode in the 3-part Lauren saga in which she is not present!

    I liked the ending part with Shawn and Angela though. I really like Shangela together when there's a competent writer writing Angela. In one episode, Angela would actually be pretty cool but in another episode, she would be completely different and act like a complete bitch, similar to Topanga in this next episode coming up and first few episodes of season 7.

    One more thing, Angela and Shawn agree to be friends at the end of this episode and Angela's next appearance is in 5x17(a dream sequence episode, with no mention at all of her and Shawn, which I can't wait for your review of). Then, her next appearance after that is in 5x18, where her and Shawn are apparently dating again?!

  5. Angela and Shawn agree to be friends so their relationship can be like Cory and Topanga's (or how it was). In other words, they pretty much want to get to know each other better, they never stopped dating though. Other than that, all the points you made were very good and interesting.

  6. I liked Shawn's line in this episode after Dana handcuffs him: "Wow, *your* tastes have changed since our last date when we went skating!" This is one of those "getting crap past the radar" bits where we know what he's alluding to even though he doesn't explicitly mention it.

  7. Jennifer showing up is the most ridiculous to me because of the fact she was the 'manizer of their relationship.

  8. Good write-up. The humor makes it worth the watch (I love the running gag with "IS Shawn here?" "Ehhhhhhhhh.")

  9. Even when I was younger, the episode was so silly to me. A) basically none of the “exes” are memorable, and B) who does this shit?? I get it, it’s a sitcom, but still.

    Also, I did remember that Cory kissed another girl in season 4 and Topanga forgave him. But I wouldn’t write it off as “any reasonable person would” do the same. He barely knew the other girl and it was meaningless and pressure-filled. He caught feelings for Lauren and she caught feelings for him and they kissed before he left. She wrote him a love letter to boot! I’d be disappointed in my boyfriend too, to say the least.

    Also, maybe I’m just a hopeless romantic but that was sad af that Topanga didn’t show up like Cory thought she would. It was sweet that Shawn and Angela came over the his booth to comfort him too.

    Sometimes, y’all are so heartless while being busy hating Cory and/or Topanga.

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  11. Dana and Jennifer have a hilarious exchange at the end of this episode. Dana says "Oh, that's so sweet. Isn't it nice to have friends?" just to have Jennifer snap at her and say "Oh, shut up. Valentines Day blows." I thought Larisa was hilarious because the line is such a tension breaker after all the melodrama in the scene between Cory and Topanga.

  12. I agree with you the best part of this episode is the fact Larisa Oleynik is in it.
