Monday, September 8, 2014

Episode 5x14 "Heartbreak Cory"

The seniors of John Adams High are making final preparations for their class ski trip. They're in the school's hallway, I think they're waiting for the bus. Now, I know that a "senior ski trip" was mentioned in some capacity in a previous season, and it's killing me that I can't remember when it was. Somebody please save me on this one.

A few days in ski country with no parents? That's right, our boys want to get laid. Shawn's even got blueprints of the ski lodge to plan their midnight shenanigans. Hey Shawn, how was the Super Bowl? What's that? Not gonna bring that up again? Gotcha.

And they do this kinda bullshit thing where OF COURSE THE WOMEN WOULDN'T BE INTERESTED IN SEX, but it's the 90's, so what are we gonna do.

 Romantic plans are better made with your partner, though, as Topanga informs her boyfriend. So they have a little flirty romancey dialogue and it's actually compelling, and... passionate. Like everything else this season, the Corpanga romance dialogue is either great or garbage. Mostly garbage, but this one deserves credit.

Anyway, we get to the ski lodge/hotel that's housing an entire senior class, and things have immediately taken a turn for the worse. Cory has apparently destroyed his ankle getting off the bus.

A female employee of the ski lodge is somehow able to assess the damage, and claims it's a mild sprain, which will prevent Cory from being able to ski. All of his friends leave to go skiing without him, leaving him alone with the female employee. The chemistry between Cory and this girl is immediately overwhelming. They banter, it's adorable, she gets them both some hot chocolate and they start to play backgammon. She introduces herself as Lauren.

Lauren is played by Linda Cardellini, who's done all KINDS of work over the years, and is still very active. She was Velma in those Scooby Doo movies with Sarah Michelle Gellar, but more importantly, she had a recurring role (8 episodes) as Sylvia Rosen in season 6 of MAD MEN! Yup, that's right, DON DRAPER had a season-long affair with LAUREN FROM BOY MEETS WORLD. HOWBOUTDATSHIT.

Hey Linda Cardellini, maybe you should find your own man instead of takin somebody else's all the time. Me, for example.

It fades to black for a commercial, and we come back later in the day when Coren are working on a jigsaw puzzle. They banter some more, and it's still adorable. Trouble arrives in paradise, though, when Topanga returns from the slopes. Shawn can see exactly what's going on here, no matter how much Cory denies it.

Later that night, Corpanga and Shangela are playing one of those silly couples'-games and Topanga's being very cutesy and romancey and blech. Cory asks her what animal she would want her partner to be, and she says a falcon, because they always come home or something. Recalling that earlier flirting bit, we can see how very hard they're trying to show us that this is a good relationship.

Wow, really guys? Because I could have sworn the entire basis of your relationship was "I wanna be like them." But if we're just gonna pretend that 5x08 never happened, that is fine by me. Make no mistake, I'm glad they're back in reality, but I can't just gloss over these inconsistencies.

Topanga invites Lauren to play their stupid game with them, which... why...? Apparently it's Cory's turn to answer a question, and Topanga hands Lauren the book of stupid couples' questions game book of questions. Lauren, the sly fox that she is, finds a question about whether or not the guilt of having an affair would affect Cory's behavior. He freaks out and starts rambling, it's hilarious.

Because they're jerks, Topanga, Shawn, and Angela decide to go to bed right after Lauren starts playing, leaving Cory in her clutches once again. They have some more sweet dialogue, the chemistry is as real as ever, and they look at the moon rising over the mountains together while some emotional acoustic guitar plays. The guitar tells us that they're really trying to sell us on this pairing, right, and I think that's the critical reason that people (or maybe just me) like this episode so much. It's not some bull shit homewrecker story, you know the one, where at the end Topanga tells Lauren to keep her hands off of "MAH MAN" and the audience cheers, IT'S NOT THAT. It's a genuine look at the thought of "wow, maybe there's someone else out there." We are absolutely not supposed to hate Lauren, she is not evil, she just likes Cory. And that's all infinitely better than the "NOPE WE'RE MEANT FOR EACH OTHER FOREVER" crap they've been feeding us with Topanga lately.

We learn that Corauren ended up talking all night when Mister Feeny (the chaperon of the ski trip, of course) greets them the next morning with a "How ya doin". I think one of the GMW review blogs is or was keeping track of the number of How Ya Doin's, Seems like Michael Jacobs is a fan of that line. And so am I.

Feeny tries his best to reserve judgment, and his disapproval is very subtle. It seems that he wants to let Cory make his own choices instead of giving a speech, which I think was a very mature decision from the writers.

Lauren gets up to start doing work related things, and Cory follows her, showing us, and her, and Shawn in the background, that his ankle is better. But when Topanga joins the scene and asks about his ankle... he claims it's still bothering him. And Shawn is PISSED. Cory tries to explain that he can't have feelings for another girl, which still doesn't answer the question of why he lied about his ankle, but here we are.

Later, Cory confronts Lauren to make sure she understands that "last night didn't mean anything." She responds expertly with "You lied to your girlfriend because last night didn't mean anything?" It's 100% clear at this point that Cory likes Lauren and is in denial, and she decides to kiss him. Now, whether or not that crosses a line, and how significant that line may or may not be, are topics way beyond the scope of this blog. And that's okay. We're supposed to be conflicted. This is the first time the audience is mostly silent for a major development like that, you know why? Because the audience's noises are intended to guide us, to show us when something is funny or sad or romantic, but this time? The show doesn't want to tell us how to feel. We're not supposed to know. It's uncertain. It's hard. Even Cory's not sure how to respond, so he just walks off, clearly affected by the kiss.

In the next scene, Shawn insists that Cory never ever tell Topanga about the kiss. I think we can all agree that that is terrible advice. Cory did absolutely nothing wrong and they're both idiots for not telling Topanga. Granted, I would wait until they left so that Topanga can't start some shit, but he should definitely tell her. Whatever. Cory takes Shawn's advice.

He does explain that he lied about his ankle in order to stay and explain to Lauren that talking all night didn't mean anything, and Topanga handles it like the rational adult she is. It's impressive for a tv show, and it'd be more impressive if I could focus on anything besides Topanga's TALONS.

 Seriously, her fingernails are INSANE in this episode. Other than those claws, she's been the best version of herself that we've seen in a while, which was definitely necessary for this story to work. Anyway Topanga asks if anything else happened with Lauren, and Cory, and he says no, which we know is a lie. As everyone is leaving the lodge, Lauren gives Cory a letter to read since they never got a chance to talk after the kiss. Naturally, the letter falls out of his bag for Topanga to find as a cliffhanger.

Nothing actually happens during the credits, it's just some upbeat guitar music and the show's logo. I honestly really like this tune, it's so relaxing, but maybe that's mostly nostalgia.

Plot: 1.0 - It's a good story. Very real. Even though it is mostly a bottle episode. There isn't actually a whole lot of content, but it's fun to watch Cory and Lauren talking.

Character Development: 0.75 - I don't really know what to do for this one. It's significant that Cory slightly questions the soulmate-ness of Topanga, I guess. And I'll give points for the imaginary development of Cory dating Lauren.

Humor: 0.75 - It was funny enough. No Eric, though, so it was big odds going in.

Life Lesson: 0.5 - I don't know what to do for this one either. THIS EPISODE IS SO UNCERTAIN. AHHHHH.

3.0 out of 4.0. I like this episode and maybe I shouldn't. I guess I just like Lauren. Her chemistry with Cory is explosive, and she's so much more interesting than Topanga. And I'm pretty sure Cory knows it. Also, how old is Lauren supposed to be? She said she moved to the mountains when she was 13, but other than that we got nothin.

Thanks for reading, see you Wednesday.

All images used under Fair Use.


  1. Only Linda Cardellini could get rid of Dancing Guy. I like Lauren and think it's a missed opportunity to not test the chemistry a little further than what they ultimately did. It seems like Jacobs settled on Corpanga and that's what it's always gonna be, but we have to give plots to Topanga so they'll break up for an arc each season from now on.

    I think you're missing a gif.

    1. I was, thanks. I proofread this post too, I don't know how I missed that gif XD

      And yeah. Dancing Guy had a nice life. We might see him again, I'll have to ditch Lauren once this story is over.

  2. This is a GREAT episode, but the following episodes in the breakup arc (with the obvious exceptions of And Then There Was Shawn, Eric Hollywood, and to an extent If You Can't Be With the One You Love) or really boring bouts if Cory and Topanga yelling at each other. Cory should have gone with Lauren, end of story.

  3. First Girlfriends Club is possibly the most absurd episode in the series, more absurd than time travel, but at least we get to see Dana Pruitt again. And Starry Night is so abysmally awful. I'm dreading it.

    1. Starry Night's bad but at least it's followed up by Honesty Night, which I love.

  4. Like many, I love Lauren, and thought Cory and Lauren have more chemistry in this episode than he and Topanga showed in the entire season. I get that this is a TGiF show with their fated couples, and maybe for a show like this Cory and Topanga had to end up together, but I would have really liked them to at least play Cory and Lauren out a little bit.

    But if this show wanted to be really awesome, Cory and Lauren should have just started dating and Topanga should have just gone to Yale. When Cory was dating Wendy or someone in Season 2, and Eric brought up the prospect of them breaking up and Cory was shocked that Eric might think they'd break up, Eric joked "Yeah, well, I know most high school relationships end in *marriage*..." And... he's right, even if the show forgot it. I'm not still with the girl I was with in high school. I don't know anyone who is. If Cory is to be an archetypal 'boy' meeting this world, his experiences in love really ought to have been a bit more typical.

    Still, I'm glad for the Lauren we do get. She's great here, she's great in her next episode, and I even love that they bring her back for a dream sequence in Season 6 where she represents any non-Topanga woman Cory could ever be with. I'm glad that modern teen shows tend to roll with the punches in relationships a bit... if another couple starts showing more chemistry than the original, they're usually able to adjust. I wish that could have happened here.

    But yeah... this is a solid episode. It's probably the only episode Eric's not in where I'm not longing for him (there obviously was no place for him here)

    And hey! That's me doing the "How Ya Doin" counts on my GMW blog. I... really gotta update that thing.

    1. Oh, and when I said "Cory and Topanga showed in the entire season" - I meant "series."

      Quite frankly, between reading this, my own recent rewatch of BMW, and GMW, I'm really starting to realize what a weak character Topanga really is. I always knew she was the least funny and entertaining of the big four, but she really kind of sucks. I think growing up I was blinded by my crush on Danielle Fishel.

    2. Could not agree more with this post. I absolutely loved Lauren. They DEFINITELY had more chemistry than Cory and Topanga EVER had. They would have never done it in a million years, but it would have been great if they had kept Cory with Lauren and sent Topanga off to Yale. But given that the writers shoved Corpanga down our throats, that was pretty obviously the endgame, but man it would have been nice if they had ditched that.

      This is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series. It does bum me out, though, that we never got to see the potential of Cory and Lauren fulfilled.

    3. Oooo, I don't remember that dream sequence you're talking about. That will be a nice surprise. And you're absolutely right, it's just not real life anymore. Topes should have definitely gone to Yale. Cory's relationships before Topanga were always compelling, and it felt like we would get that again with Lauren. Maybe the showrunners thought they were too committed to Topanga though, after all the retconning and Long Walk to Pittsburgh.

  5. This is the review I have been waiting for since I first started reading this blog. I feel like I'm alone in being on Team Lauren when I talk to other BMW fans. I'm glad you are in the same boat. I have disagreed with several of your reviews so I was worried you were going to be anti-Lauren, but I am happy to be wrong about that.

    To be honest, I never liked Topanga and I thought she was kinda a bitch to Cory for the most part. I would have loved so so much for him to have gotten with her for good once Topanga freaked out about the letter (that she had no business reading in the first place). As you said, though, it would never happen since they pretty much shoved Corpanga down our throats, but a guy can dream!

  6. I hate to be that guy but your total of points adds up to only 2.75. Apart from that, I really enjoy this blog and I look forward to see you destroy the next couple of episodes.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow, that's embarrassing. Thanks for pointing that out! haha.

  8. literally will friedleSeptember 12, 2014 at 12:52 AM

    Oh hey, Linda Cardellini! *Ctrl+F "Freaks and Geeks"*

    "Phrase not found"

    Bro...have you never watched Freaks and Geeks? It's an excellent show.

    And not that it matters much, but IIRC Shawn's "READ THE BIBLE" outburst is a callback to earlier in the episode when something something he tries to sneak into Angela's room and something something says "blah blah I'm going the Bible..."

  9. Its "Absolutely fine" to kiss other people while you're in a relationship?

    Also two high-school guys would probably not want to tell their girlfriends, so I guess that makes sense.

    1. I can't find "absolutely fine" anywhere in my post. What are you referring to?

      And maybe not, but as you'll see in the review of 5x15, Cory literally did this exact same thing back in season 2, and immediately told Topanga about it. So it's pretty reasonable to expect him to do it here too.

  10. How crazy would it be if the gave Lauren a cameo in GMW?

    1. She was actually mentioned in Season 2 of GMW - "Girl Meets Pluto"
      But Linda Cardellini was actually filming her role for Avengers: Age of Ultron around that time. She could still be in Season 3 of GMW though.

    2. Well, it would be crazy, but it wouldn't necessarily be worthwhile. Jennifer Bassett's recent cameo was certainly crazy, but it was also completely pointless.

  11. Mikael || March 3, 2015 at 1:11 PM

    How crazy would it be if the(y) gave Lauren a cameo in GMW?

    ^ She was actually mentioned in Season 2 of GMW - "Girl Meets Pluto"
    But Linda Cardellini was actually filming her role for Avengers: Age of Ultron around that time. She could still be in Season 3 of GMW though.

  12. I guess I'm the minority, but I grew up on the show and was always 100% on board with Cory and Topanga. And I pretty much hate Lauren for existing.

    C'est la vie.

    1. that IS a pretty dangerous opinion. welcome, by the way, and thanks for all the comments :D

  13. Lauren is a bit of an interloper but at the same time they are just in high school. Theoretically it should all be inconsequential in the long run but with Cory and Topanga already seeming married it feels a lot worse than it is.

  14. Sorry but you do not kiss someone who is already in a relationship. And you do not let someone else kiss you if you are already in a relationship. Period. Doesn't matter if you're only in high school.

    Yes, ok, high school couples don't usually end up together, and it is good to know there are other options out there. But as long as you are IN a relationship, there is a bond of trust between you and your partner. If you start exploring your options *while still in that relationship,* you've broken that trust.

    So I couldn't care less how much chemistry Lauren and Cory have. Once they did that, I could never possibly like her. Come to think of it, now that I am an adult, I think this *does* mean Cory and Topanga should break up. Not because he found someone better for him, but because she deserves someone who won't betray her.

    I hate this episode.

    1. A few months late (I’m rewatching too) and I agree. Watching this episode as an adult, I generally do ship Cory & Topanga in a relatively indifferent sense, although I don’t think they’d realistically be together (it’s a sitcom, though — more on that later) don’t outright hate Lauren, but I don’t condone what Sean said in his review about Cory did “absolutely nothing wrong.” You’ve got to be kidding me. He’s in a monotonous relationship — kissing another woman is wrong! And he did nothing to stop it! Also, Sean, if you ever read this, that’s what the commenter above meant when they said “absolutely fine.”

      Yeah, we know in reality that most high school sweethearts don’t get married and stay together but, although it’s “Boy Meets World,” it’s still “Boy Meets World,” a ‘90s ABC TGIF sitcom that has gaping inconsistencies throughout. Just remember that when watching. I’ve had to remind myself that it *is* a sitcom and, further, a sitcom of its time when watching it too.

    2. 100% agree! I couldn't detect whether there was any chemistry between Cory and Lauren, because I was too busy feeling icky centipedes crawling all over me at those parts.

    3. You mean "monogamous", although you're not wrong that their relationship is monotonous.

  15. It’s 2019 and I’d also like to point out that Linda Cardellini stars on Dead To Me on Netflix and she’s great in it! ��

  16. As Eric stated most HS relationships end in marriage, NOT, then the only thing Lauren did wrong is being early.
    I ship them, bye Topanga

  17. Late to this party. Topanga and Cory were basically in a codependent relationship at this point, Cory pretty much ruined Topanga’s life. She had the chance to attend Yale, but gave it all up to be with a boy, one who cheated on her. It would have been the best thing for both of them had they stayed broken up. Cory could have started a relationship with Lauren. Topanga could have gone to Yale.
    Instead, because Cory whines so much, Topanga decided she has no choice except to give in to Cory’s every whim.
