Friday, September 12, 2014

Episode 5x16 "Torn Between Two Lovers (Feeling Like a Fool)"

The beginning is basically just Cory and Shawn recapping everything from the Lauren arc so far. What's new, though, is that Cory has taken the position that he's done nothing wrong, that he "sat on a couch and talked to a girl", which I agree with. It's unfortunate that he lacked that presence of mind back in 5x14 when this all started. It's honestly an improvement though, he's usually a huge mess whenever something goes wrong with Topanga, but today he's standing his ground, showing a little backbone. As always, they've pulled Shawn's personality out of a hat.

Yes, today Shawn will possibly want to be like Cory and Topanga. Sometimes he absolutely does, sometimes he wants to start his own thing with Angela, it's hard to keep track.

So Shawn clearly wants to reunite Cory and Topanga. He schemes to get both of them to Chubbie's after school, telling them both individually how perfect the other person is. Topanga takes slightly more convincing than Cory, though.


Abbott and Costello? Right? Anyway...

In theory, this is a sweet gesture, relinquishing the role of Cory's most-important-person, but we the analytical viewers know that it is simply not true. It works, though, and she agrees to meet Cory at Chubbie's.

Our heroes are now waiting for Topanga to arrive for this meeting, but Lauren shows up instead. The uninitiated may question her ability to find Cory here, but we know that this is literally the only place he could be. I'm sure their all-night conversation in 5x14 included something like "Yeah, it's called Chubbie's, it's the only place I've been in the last four years. If you need to randomly show up, that's the place to do it."

Cory tries to politely get rid of Lauren before Topanga arrives, but this is Chubbie's! Everyone always arrives! Toblahblah is ready to storm out after seeing Lauren. She tells Cory to take some time and figure out if he wants Lauren or not. Let me be clear. Cory doesn't want to, it's not his idea, Topanga is insisting that he stay and talk things through with Lauren.

In The Backyard, we learn that Feeny has a scheduling conflict with his "citizenship class", where immigrants are studying to gain their citizenship. He asks Eric to simply proctor their practice exams, handing out the tests and pencils, and collecting them afterward.

It's been far too long, Feenric. It's good to be home :')

We cut to the class and Eric immediately has all the students rip up their practice exams. The scene fades out on what appears to be Eric starting to do card tricks. Is Eric back to his old screw-uppy ways!? Probably not, but we can still enjoy the ride.

At home, Cory, his parents, and Shawn are all talking about the Lauren situation in the kitchen. Amy and Alan believe that Cory owes it to everyone involved to see Lauren again. Especially since Topanga's okay with it. Amy and Alan have a great showing here, which is always a treat. Lauren arrives to pick up Cory for their date, and she handles the situation with mastery. You would expect some awkwardness here, but she defuses it entirely. Further evidence of how cool she is.

The moment in that gif has really stuck with me over the years. I'm not sure why, it's just... wow, this show is real as hell.

We jump over to Cory and Lauren having a picnic on a pile of dirt that we're supposed to think is a park. As always, the chemistry is blatant, they're having a great time and so am I. It starts raining, though, so Lauren tucks Cory into her jacket.

The whole scene is overwhelmingly adorable, and leaves us with a feeling that this could actually turn into something.

Cory shows up at The Apartment, announcing that he had a good time with Lauren. Shawn decides to weigh both girls against each other to see which one Cory likes more. When it comes to honesty, Cory claims that Topanga is the most honest person he knows, which is not true, she has a history of fibs on this show. Besides, Mister Feeny is the most honest person he knows. The next question is essentially about sex appeal, boobs and butts and curvity curves, in as explicit detail as the censor would allow. It's hysterical, and in my mind one of those classic moments. At the end of the day, you gotta love Cory and Shawn.

At the end of Cory's day, though, he loves Topanga. Not Lauren.

And I guess that's really what it boils down to. As much as we think Lauren is the better catch, would you really leave someone you love with all your heart for a girl you've had two dates with who doesn't even live near you? They still could have made that story work though, if Topanga had just felt too betrayed and ended the relationship, and then just write her out of the show. Oh well. Shawn looks pretty pleased with Cory's decision.

Back at the citizenship class, Eric seems to have spun things out of control, and Mister Feeny arrives on the scene.

Turns out, Eric actually did a great job teaching the material to the class, albeit with unorthodox methods. It's hard to explain, you have to just see it, but it's really sweet and genuine (and hilarious). Feeny and Eric, back together. Never fails!

At Chubbie's (of course) Cory tells Topanga what he's learned from his date with Lauren. Direct quote here, "I don't have to be afraid of what I feel about anybody else because I know  that it could never take away from loving you." Obviously we all like Lauren, but if we accept the notion that Cory is in love with Topanga, which we should at this point, then this is a satisfying conclusion for him to reach. If they'd done some kind of "I didn't feel anything for her!" thing, it would have been disingenuous, so I really like the way they've written this.

Doesn't matter though! Topanga wants to break up. "I forgive you for lying at the lodge, I forgive you for kissing her, and I forgive you for the letter. ... But that you needed to see her to test how you felt about me, I don't forgive you for that."

That's a really memorable moment right there, very emotional stuff from Ben Savage. Which is why I said to remember earlier, when Topanga insists that he goes out with Lauren when he didn't really want to. Topanga's only response now is "And you listened," and then she walks out. That is a LOAD of bull shit. I have always hated this part, I just can't justify Topanga's behavior at all. I recognize how hard it must have been to forgive Cory for all that stuff, so brownie points there, but the rest of this just makes no sense. She told him to go. He wasn't testing his feelings for Topanga, he was testing his feelings for Lauren, exactly what Topanga told him to do. I don't like it.

During the credits, we see the citizenship class all passing their exam and becoming citizens while Eric and Feeny look on from the sidelines.


Plot: 1.0 - Eric had his first experience as a teacher with Feeny bearing witness. Perfect.

Character Development: 1.0 - Eric.

Humor: 1.0 - Eric and Feeny.

Life Lesson: 1.0 - Feeny and Eric.

4.0 out of 4.0, if we're looking solely at Eric's story. Absolutely perfect. If we throw in the rest of the episode, ehh it's like a 3, but who cares. It's like Whose Line. The points don't matter. Lauren is gone, and Topanga broke up with Cory for some weird reasons. The thing is, she had a few good reasons to break up with him, but we got this instead. I honestly don't care at all because of how good this Eric ending was.

Thanks for reading, see you Monday.

All images used under Fair Use.


  1. Love your blog! I agree with you about Topanga's irrationality in this episode.

    More generally, I can't stand the whole together-since-we-were-two-meant-to-be-together-forever Corpanga retcon. It makes this arc pointless, when it could have been compelling and lead to real character
    development. Corpanga's indestructability really takes away from the show's relatabilty (one of its' best qualities), and I can honestly say that this tv show gave me unrealistic notions about love as a preteen. Also it is ridiculous that in Season 7's "The Provider", Cory and Topanga claim that they are having their "first fight ever." huh?!?!

    1. That's awesome of you to say. You are 100% correct about relatability. It's just a huge glaring blemish on this show's desire to be realistic.

      And holy shit, does that really happen in season 7? That is a disgrace, hahah.

    2. They really hammer it home too! Every time I see that episode (which is, actually, a largely decent Season 7 episode, and confronts an actual likely issue this couple would encounter - that Topanga's invariably going to be more successful in life than Cory is) it's such a problem because I hear it once, and I try to rationalize that they somehow didn't REALLY mean that... but then they keep saying it and making it abundantly clear that they're implying the couple has never fought before ever ever ever. And, like, they'd fought a lot earlier that same season. They fight all the fucking time.

    3. Yeah they broke up that very same season...

  2. Farewell Lauren, getting rained on with you looks like fun. Yeah, that breakup was a load of crap and then she does a bunch of other shit that pisses me off in the following arc.

  3. At least we get to Lauren one more time next season, even though it's only for 30 seconds. This episode destroyed any chance of me ever liking Topanga again. From this point on, I couldn't stand Topanga. That's a shame because I LOVED Topanga in the earlier seasons because of her whole, hippie personality. She reminded so much of myself but the writers turned her into a

  4. It sounds like Topanga is being a normal 17-year-old with terrible expectations of love. She was expecting that she could say "oh spend time and think it over" and Cory would be all "noooo, I love youuuu," and that's not what happened. And now she realizes dat shiz hurts deep.

    1. literally will friedleSeptember 15, 2014 at 2:06 AM

      I haven't watched this episode least a couple years, so KBM will have to back me up here, but IIRC Cory tells Topanga that he doesn't want to go on a date with Lauren and only goes because Topanga insists. It's one thing if she said "Listen, Cory, maybe we could take a break this weekend and you could take Lauren out" and Cory says "Awesome. Catch you later Opanga-tay!" but that's not what happened.

  5. Rachel looks so different now. Love this blog by the way.

  6. 17-year-old girl tells her boyfriend to do something she knows will make her mad and then she gets mad when he does it because he didn't read her mind and do something else? That sounds pretty realistic to me. Logical? No. Realistic? Absolutely.

    Cory and Topanga are both very flawed people who do stuff wrong. The whole premise of the show is the characters don't know how the world works and their figuring it out as they grow up. As an adult, I watch it now and think they do stupid stuff but I didn't so much when I was their age.

    1. oh, absolutely true that's realistic. The only problem is the show appears, to me at least, to justify what she's doing as logical in the way they present it and the aftermath.

  7. I just don't get Topanga

  8. This blog is so anti Topanga.

    Idk. I think you oversell the chemistry between Cory and Lauren. He’s been with Topanga “forever” at this point. Of course having a crush on someone new is going to lead to sparks since she likes him too.

    And again, this whole Cory “did nothing wrong” notion. Give me a break! You let that girl kiss you! You did absolutely nothing to stop it and the kiss only ended because she pulled away. It’s a crock of crap!

  9. If they are broken up, Lauren and Cory are free to be together.
    The writers dropped the ball on this

    1. By the time they officially broke up, Cory didn't want to be with Lauren. He knew he wanted Topanga.

  10. Don't think this was true at the time this comment was made, but she does porn now.

  11. God I hated the manipulative woman crap Topanga pulled where he said no and she pushed so he gave in but she wanted him to keep saying no. How can she expect him to go against her specifically in what is already such a sensitive situation where he is trying to do whatever he can to make Topanga happy?!

    Also I am a woman and I don’t think saying “manipulative woman” is misogynistic. I don’t mean EVERY woman is like that. Just that I’ve never heard of a guy doing that same “you’re supposed to read my mind” thing (correct me if I’m wrong), so it seems exclusive to women. SOME women.

    It would’ve been great to write Topanga out of the show. I think they did the retcon to separate it from other shows and give it some weight, more weight than a normal high school couple who dates for a few months/a few years, so the intensity of Topanga being Cory’s whole life and extreme significance of the breakup matters.

  12. Everytime I watch the scene where Topanga says, “Do you know how many boys asked me out?” with this cold tone of voice, I’m waiting for Topanga to turn on Cory and say, “It makes me feels so alive. I didn’t realize how much of my life I was wasting with you.”
    Of course, that’s not what happens. It sounds like that’s the direction they are going.
    I am imaging an alternate reality now where that’s exactly what happens. Topanga moves on with her life. Cory runs into the arms of Lauren. On the “Graduation” episode, we see Topanga one last time, bragging to Cory and Shawn that she’s going to Yale.

    There is some foreshadowing for the end scene with Cory’s parents earlier in the episode. Alan says that Amy allowed him to date another girl he liked while the two were dating. Amy says she certainly did not give him permission to date anyone else, and she concludes, “If you had, we wouldn’t be together right now.”
    Basically, Cory’s parents are explaining what is going to happen if Cory goes on the date with Lauren. Instead of taking a lesson from his parents’ story, they are encouraging him to go on the date with Lauren.

    Oh well. Topanga made one very good point. She moved away from her family so she could continue her relationship with Cory. One attractive girl gives him attention and he’s conflicted about the relationship. It is a wake up call for Topanga, that she has been living in a fairy tale world.
