Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Episode 7x16 "Seven the Hard Way (Part 2)"

I like the title a lot. It's a reference to rolling a seven "the hard way" in the game craps, as well as that our group of seven friends are having a hard time reconciling. If we were to define a value for "title cleverness as it relates to content," this one would be pretty high.

The Seven have all been corralled into a classroom by Mister Feeny. I'm not sure how this could have possibly been accomplished. Maybe this is one of those classes that they all have together and he just kept them afterward. Eric has taken a position of command alongside Feeny, as he is by far the most concerned of the seven. We had our hearts broken with Eric in the previous episode, but he seems to have set that aside for the greater good (read as: the writers decided to forget about it). The writers also seem to have forgotten that they put Shawn and Cory at odds as The War ended, because now they're as bromancey as ever, to Topanga's great annoyance. We observed that this is the most compelling dynamic to come out of The War, so hopefully it reaches a meaningful resolution.

So we've got three main threads to deal with here.
1. Topanga wants to be Cory's #1, and despite what Shawn said at the wedding, he's evidently still got that spot.
2. Jack and Angela feel like outsiders since they haven't been around as long.
3. Rachel feels like a SUPER outsider since she hasn't been around very long AND she is no one's girlfriend or relative or close friend, like Jack with Shawn/Eric and Angela with Shawn/Topanga.

There's also the fourth thread of everyone completely disrespecting Eric and treating him like a loser, but it seems like we're erasing that one, either to simplify the plot (most likely) or to show us how mature Eric is by being able to set his own issues aside for the greater good (giving the writers too much credit).

Rachel claims that she doesn't fit in with "these people" and heads for the door before being stopped by Eric. Feeny decides to treat everyone like the children they're acting like, telling them all to write down on a sheet of paper what they like about each other. The prospect makes Rachel stay for a moment, but everyone is too busy fighting to write anything down, causing Rachel to head out the door. It's actually a funny contrast to the Big Shawn Exit, this is the Small Quiet Rachel Exit.

I want to say that all of the petty arguing going on between The Non-Eric Six is really well written. These are all genuine issues derived from what we've actually seen on the show, so there's some real bite to these fights.

Pragmatic Cory insists that no one will care about these stupid little fights by next week, which I appreciate since in most cases he'd be right. Feeny responds by dismissing everyone from the room, not because he agrees with Cory, but because he's fed up with their attitudes. Eric protests, but they all leave and things fall apart even more in the hallway when Cory (reluctantly) decides to talk with Topanga instead of Shawn. Shawn drastically overreacts to this, especially when you recall what he said at Corpanga's wedding, but you know, overreacting is just the Shawn Hunter Way.

It fades out after Shawn's Big Exit, and then back in on Cory and Topanga arriving at a retirement party for Mister Feeny in Future-2006.

I've spent a good amount of time thinking about how to review this part. The next 10 minutes are a Ghost of Christmas Future situation, and I figure everyone here knows almost all the lines by heart. What can I say that's not just preaching to the choir? I never managed to come up with a good answer to that question, so let's just wing it. 

Corpanga run into Angela first, and she's wearing leather pants which is probably the most interesting thing about her. Cory leaves the girls in search of alcohol and finds Jack by the drinks table. Okay this is actually something I want to talk about. Jack has become a captain of industry, real 1% type guy, and he doesn't have much to say to dirty proles like Cory and Shawn.

Rather than make me fearful of what Jack could become, as was intended, it makes me regret what he could have been. When we first met Jack, his only real trait was that he's Shawn's brother. That got solved after like two episodes, and since then he's basically just been Eric's sidekick. But what if he'd been more like his filthy rich stepdad, sort of cold and elitist, aimed at becoming a businessman, and then he would be slowly turned away from that by spending time with Eric and Rachel and Shawn. That's a solid development arc, and then we would actually feel something when we see him this way in The Future That Could Be. We would say "Oh no without his friends he went back to being a cold businessman." It's a shame, he would have been ten times more interesting, and his part of this scene would have been highly emotional.

Time to meet Shawn. He's having a conversation with Feeny about his freelance writing for Rolling Stone, clearly a step up from "This entire paper is in one sentence." I like it though.

I almost wish this were the real future just for that, Shawn keeping in touch with Feeny. It's very City Slackers. So let's just assume that that happens in the real timeline too.

Cory, Topanga, and Angela find their way over to Shawn. Shawn claims not to know what Angela's been up to all this time (she is also a freelance writer), and then she has to leave. Now we learn that Shawn actually has been following her writing all this time, and I'm not a very big fan of that. It's the same problem as always, that I just don't buy into the idea that Shawn and Angela are destined for each other, and we're supposed to think that he missed his big chance to get her again now. But I don't feel any of that, to me it's just weird that he hasn't been able to move past her for seven years, more than twice as long as he even knew her. I'd like to take this opportunity to say that I am terrified of the fact that she's going to be on Girl Meets World, for the same reason.

So Eric has become a hermit and changed his name to Playswith Squirrels, and he carries around his manifesto. Apparently, all hermits have one.

There's a minute long exchange between Playswith and Jack, and once again this would be a million times more powerful if Jack had been on the road to being this coldhearted businessman before he met Eric. Jack even says "What is this power you have over me?" Your homework for tonight is to watch this episode while pretending that my new backstory for Jack is canon. I'm telling you, it's infinitely better.

Everyone begins to gather in the center of the room and there's a joke where Playswith uses "niche" instead of "niece", which is funny on its own, but even funnier when you remember that he used "niece" instead of "niche" in episode 14. Both times Feeny corrected him, and both times Eric suggested that Feeny was drunk. It is hilarious.

They all begin to wonder what happened to Rachel, and she answers that question herself, walking toward their group from the background. She's got this insane dixie hairstyle and outfit, and she's trying to do like a southern accent. Let me be frank here. This is a clown show. I am nowhere near taking this at all seriously, it's just so stupid. I think if she hadn't done the accent, or if she weren't loudly chewing gum, I could accept it, but this is a caricature. I cannot take it seriously, I'm sorry. So once again the writers have failed at making me care about Rachel. And unlike Jack, this gives me no ideas for a better backstory for her.

Yeah, I'm with you, Topanga. By the way Playswith Squirrels married a moose. They're very happy.

Feeny asks about Playswith's manifesto, and apparently it's a compendium of all his knowledge. So they decide to take a look. As you all know, the only writing is on the first page, where it says "Lose one friend, lose all friends, lose yourself."

Feeny tells Mister Squirrels that he was always his most interesting student, which falls into the same category as that "correspondence" exchange between Feeny and Shawn. I think everyone responds to this scene so well because it reminds us of the Eric of yore. Yeah he's being silly, but everyone is still listening to him. They're all taking him seriously. And as we've so thoroughly sorted out, that's the key difference between past Eric and season 7 Eric. Everyone is taking him seriously despite his eccentric presentation. And dammit all that's how it's supposed to be.

The screen wibble-wobbles us back in time to just after Rachel leaves the classroom. Only this time, Eric immediately chases after her and fireman-carries her back into the room. He shows her that he wrote something down on his piece of paper, and indeed it's the same thing Playswith Squirrels wrote in his manifesto.

A sort of friendship-dogpile begins to build up on the floor, and I'd be lying if I said it didn't make me smile, but I'm forced to come at this as a critic. Those three problems I listed earlier are all solved right now with one or two sentences. The same problems that caused all these friendships to fall apart are solved almost instantly by very obvious sentiments. They're just like "We like you Rachel" and that's it. Jack and Angela feeling like outsiders is never even addressed, and the Topanga/Shawn issue gets dismissed almost immediately. You get a nice feeling from watching this, but if you think about it a little more it's really not that satisfying.

They all go after Feeny at the end, and at some point Matthew Lawrence gets hit in the eye.

I can't see exactly what happens, but it's funny to me that he's breaking character right in the middle of this scene.

This is an unconventional episode, so I don't think my conventional scoring system would be meaningful. Playswith Squirrels is enough to make anyone love this episode. Beyond that, everyone else's future self was well written, I especially like what they did with Shawn and Feeny. Oh except Rachel, hers was an absolute circus. This whole thing is centered on Rachel, and at no point in either Part 1 or 2 was I able to feel sympathetic toward her, so in that regard the writers have failed. But that's more of a long term failure starting from her introduction than a failure in this particular episode. If we had cared about her in any way before The War, this two-parter would have gone off without a hitch. There's also the feeling of a huge potential if Jack had my new backstory. Finally, when we also consider the extremely shallow resolution at the end, we're forced to wonder, would anyone really care about this without Playswith Squirrels?

Thanks for reading, see you Friday.

All images used under Fair Use.


  1. The Shawn part of this fantasy future never worked for me. The idea that he spent seven years pining after Angela from afar just made no sense. Now, the actual Shawn Of The Future on GMW is still single 14 years later? Yea, I'm not buying that either and, like you, I don't like the idea of bringing Angela back. Or Rachel for that matter, but that's different story.

    (It's worth noting by the way, that the actress who played Angela is MUCH older than the rest of the BMW cast. She was in her 30s by the time the show ended and is 45 now)

    1. Holy shit, I never knew that! That's ancient! That's really weird now thinking about Rider making out with a 30 year old all the time.

    2. For what it's worth guys, I saw a couple of stills from Angela and Chet's guest appearances on GMW.
      Angela is wearing what appears to be a wedding ring and I believe the writers have said that Shawngela is no more.
      Chet is addressing Shawn with Maya and Katy in the foreground. Neither of them appears to notice Chet, so I'm guessing we might actually get a scene like the finale--where nobody can see Chet, but he can still check in on his sons. It very well might read, "Shawny. You are a grown man, you need to settle down. You got a good thing here. Get married and make me a grandson."
      And on a lighter note, Minkus is coming back next season and he and Shawn share a couple of scenes.

    3. Wow, that's actually really encouraging. Not because I want Shawn to be unhappy or whatever, of course, but Angela "moving on" and getting married sounds like it could be pretty heavy and affecting for the show. That's a very smart move if true.

    4. Minkus actually came back in a Season One episode. The odd thing about it was that Cory didn't seem to know that Minkus was Farkle's father even though that should have been self-evident given that his student's name is Farkle Minkus. (I mean how many people with the last name Minkus can there be in the BMW/GMW universe)

      On a related note, I do hope they eventually give us some more detail on exactly how it came to be that Cory got Harley Keiner a job as a janitor in a middle school in New York City.

    5. Well if after that scene in the classroom with Feeny, Shawn all of the sudden, stopped talking to Angela, and their relationship ended abruptly, I imagine he'd have a hard time letting go, since he loved her, enough to have a discussion about marriage with her. It. It's pretty realistic, even if you find the relationship not interesting for whatever reason.

  2. I love this episode, probably for the Eric. But I think Jack is a rich kid.jerk at times like his "could be" future. There are episodes where he IS like that. Then he will go back and be okay and normal and then he will be a spoiled rich jerk again. The writers never knew what to do with him. He changed every week after his first season.

    As for Rachel, does.. anyone care? I never thought she was needed on the show to begin with and I stated this in the last review that all her character was "hot" and a game of Eric/Jack fighting over her and then a obstacle for the Jack/Eric friendship. Which wasn't needed. If anything, that first season they brought her, the apartment was a completely different show from what the other characters were dealing with.

    I liked this episode but at times I just thought Rachel was being so dramatic about the whole thing and making an issue out of something that wasn't really there.'

    1. People have said that in the past, but I don't remember it. The fact that he's rich has come up, but when has he ever been spoiled or elitist? He was always trying to be humble and down-to-earth when he talked to Shawn. What exactly are you thinking of?

    2. Oh I guess it was just You Light Up My Union, but that felt like it came out of nowhere to me. I hadn't thought of that when I wrote the review, but that's still just a one off and not really an integral part of his character. I'd love to be wrong about that though.

    3. I think an earlier episode before that had Jack being told he was being cut off from Stepdad's trust fund or something and he freaked out. But that was this season also. I think last season he told Shawn he working and paying his way through college on his own.

      I don't think it would necesarrily go against your backstory. Jack's stepdad told him if he goes through college on his own, he'll bring him into his company or whatever. Instead, he cuts Jack off and that drove him to be so ruthless in You Light Up My Union. Eric helped ground him though and if they stopped being friends, he'd go back to that ruthless self.

    4. Yeah, every season is different but this season I really, really felt that they made Jack a rich trust fund guy-and I was thinking of the episode where he lost his trust fund. But I think this season really highlighted Jack and the money issue. Safe to say I like the Jack character season 5 more. At least he felt consistent.

    5. I don't think that happened yet... That doesn't sound familiar at all. I honestly don't know where you're comin from B. I haven't seen anything so far this season that makes Jack look like a trust fund guy. Maybe I'm not paying enough attention, but I really haven't seen it.

    6. Maybe being I'm too hard on it because I know of the future episodes.. I just personally don't like this seasons Jack and don't think the "what if" future is really that big of a change. Is next episode the closet time travel? I think I hate that episode a lot more than anything else, although it does bring back Amy and Alan I think so cheers for that.

  3. OH I ALSO MEANT TO SAY that in the past, there was a discussion about whether or not Jack and Rachel were in love, and Jack says at the end of this episode "even though we're not in love anymore", so there you go.

    1. Yeah, I don't know if I really believe that they were in love. I'm the anon who brought it up originally. All they did was kiss and they were only truly dating for four episodes. BMW/GMW have a problem with "show, don't tell" when it comes to their writing. In GMW, they tell us that Riley, Maya, Farkle and Lucas are best friends every other episode but they don't really show it. Same here in this episode.

      But coincidentally, today is the 15th year anniversary since this episode first aired.

      The only person in my opinion who had any right to be upset were Eric (whose problem was dropped) and Topanga, who definitely had a valid reason to be upset. I think fans are a bit too hard on Rachel in the first half of this episode for her banning Cory and Shawn from the dorm. She may have been irrational, but she had a horrible day and all they did was act like the same annoying unfunny idiots they were in You Light Up My Union. If I were Cory and co., I wouldn't know what to say her about feeling like the group's outsider because she is in my opinion. She's the series' most expendable character. During her two seasons on the show, she made a laugh a couple of times, but she never got an LOL moment out of me or really made a heartwarming moment like every single other character on the series have done at least once. She is truly the series' most expendable character. I hate how Mr. Feeny is written in the first part. He just comes off as a OOC, instigator. But I do like this episode and I couldn't how Shawn literally wanted Cory to choose him over Topanga. Regardless about how you feel regarding Cory/Topanga vs. Cory/Shawn, you have to admit Shawn was a jerkass for trying to make Cory choose him over his own WIFE. I think Angela and Jack were full of shit in their feelings, particularly Jack. I remember they said, "it's no accident how the teams are picked around here, lifelongers vs. I don't know what we are," which is fucking ridiculous considering they ASKED Jack to be on their team! I don't know why anyone was mad at Topanga, considering she literally did nothing wrong. She didn't help pull the prank on Rachel and even apologized for it.

  4. The part where Shawn stares wistfully after Angela and whispers, "She wrote a beautiful piece about the rainforest" or what the fuck ever is so funny.

    1. lol, yes, and Topanga's 'You always had so much in common!' as if Shawn ever mentioned ecology before.

    2. literally will friedleFebruary 12, 2015 at 9:51 PM

      Eh. Photography, ecology, same difference.

  5. Remember in City Slackers when that ranger guy says he's meeting up with his buddy Moose, and Cory asks "is that a ranger friend of yours?" And he hilariously responds with "A MOOSE can't be a ranger!"

    In my head Plays With married that moose

  6. I've heard a rumor that the episode of GMW where Eric returns, coming up in the 2nd season, will be called "Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels." I hope this isn't an indication of what version of "Eric 14 years later" they're going to give us, because that doesn't bode well at all.

  7. The title is actually even more clever than you think! In craps, "the hard way" pretty much means doubles--if you bet on 8 to come up the hard way, for instance, you're betting that two fours will be rolled before, say, a 6 + 2, or a 3 + 5. The gag with the title, in this case, would be that it's impossible to roll a seven the hard way, since it's an even number.

    About the episode itself...still not quite sure what to make of it! It's kind of a neat premise with the extended flash-forward, and it's also interesting from a modern viewpoint to see what character similarities are still there (like Cory and Topanga having a kid, and certain elements of Shawn's character). Eric becoming a hermit feels a bit more related to his newer personality than anything, but he still has some funny lines and I like how there's a bit of a deeper element of wisdom behind the craziness. The resolution does seem overly rushed, though, particularly for a two-parter. It's not really clear what problems were solved, if any. Good review.

    1. Sorry, that should say "since it's an *ODD* number." Whoops...

    2. Ohhhh that's right, I looked it up a long time ago and mostly just remembered that it was a craps thing. But you're right, hard way is only possible with even numbers. Interesting.

  8. Shawn drastically overreacts to this, especially when you recall what he said at Corpanga's wedding, but you know, overreacting is just the Shawn Hunter Way.

    Shawn talks a big game about pulling for Cory and Topanga, but I think it's really only when the prospect of Cory being single or finding another girlfriend comes up. (And I suppose vice-versa a little with Topanga's attitude to Shawn - they do seem to mutually like/admire each other, but it doesn't take long for hostility to arise.)
    Like there's a lot of self-conscious lines after the wedding about 'you're married now, you have to figure this out' but there's also a lot of anger directed at the marriage when he thinks Cory will actually replace him with Topanga ('Shut up, Yoko!' or that bit in 'Family Trees' about 'Go home to your wife!')

    What's interesting, is that in the alternate future, Cory and Topanga have what you'd assume would be 'a nice life' - Cory's job sounds kind of dull (not sure how that was caused by falling out with his friends...?), but Topanga's a lawyer, they have a kid - but without their friends, their marriage is flagging. Sort of contrasts with Girl Meets World where they've apparently gotten along 13 years without seeing any of these people regularly.

    It's the same problem as always, that I just don't buy into the idea that Shawn and Angela are destined for each other, and we're supposed to think that he missed his big chance to get her again now.

    Shawn and Angela are weird, generally. Like, the big moments with Shawn are always based around being in the triangle of Cory/Topanga, Angela's always a by-thought. Whenever they move towards getting serious as a couple (living together, him proposing), it's always dictated by Cory or Cory and Topanga's status.

    Plus there's always heavy handed hints that they have 'so much in common', but never really anything shown.

    You could use anything in this episode as a reason for their relationship to not work - he lied to her in order to pull a prank, she rejects his offer to talk after they leave Feeny's, he switches focus to talking with Cory and Topanga instead of pursuing her - but there always seems a need to dictate a narrative with these two (like how in this episode and S6, Shawn decides he ruined the relationship by 'letting (her) go', but in GMW and earlier episodes of S7, the story is suddenly that Angela's afraid of commitment.)

    the Topanga/Shawn issue gets dismissed almost immediately.

    lol, I like Topanga's mild horror at the idea that with a Shawnless existence, she'd have Cory 24/7. And her 'you're very important to my life, Shawn' bit is interesting only because of what it doesn't say - like in earlier seasons, her and Shawn's spats would end with them having some kind of nascent friendship outside of Cory (him saying it would break his heart if she wasn't his friend, her saying you're not just my boyfriend's friend, you're mine) - but here, they seem to be stuck in the same pattern - Shawn says 'I'm just his best friend, you should be with him all the time' like the wedding, but it's not really clear how the issue isn't going to reoccur, it's just put-off.

    1. it was clearly shown that Angela and Shawn had a lot in common if you choose to pay attention. It may be hard to do that when you arent invested, but for the sake of recall things correctly, you got pay close attention.

    2. I agree except you don't even have to pay close attention. There was an entire episode dedicated to him finding a purse and falling in love with the person whose items he went through and how much he discovered he had in common with the mystery girl. The items all belonged to Angela indicating just how much they have in common. For crying out loud, they also have abandonment issues with their mothers (or mother figures).

      I do agree that it can be hard to catch purely because you are not invested/interested in Shangela. It's a sitcom, there's not much to probe through. Everything they want you to know, they largely spell out.

  9. I went to see Will Friedle last year at a Comic Con appearance. I don't usually (see: ever) go to those, but I just haaaaad to go see Will speak. He was there for something else - Batman I think? but everyone was mostly just asking him about Boy Meets World. He discussed Playswith Squirrels quite a bit, noting that it was actually all his idea and most of it was ad libbed. He mentioned it once in passing as a joke that he wanted to do, and then they ACTUALLY did it. It became one of the most iconic things about the show. Crazy, eh?

    1. that's an awesome story! I'm so jealous.

  10. HUGE OVERSIGHT here:

    They mention Cory and Topanga's daughter in the flash-forward... and her name is Beverly Glen. Two things...

    1) Man I wish they kept this name for GMW. It would have been such a treat (and a rare moment of continuity). In fact, when the show was announced (I could only watch the first three episodes before giving up), it was the FIRST thing I looked for. Bummer.

    2) Beverly Glen Blvd is a pretty "famous" street in LA. As you probably know, Topanga is named after Topanga Canyon Blvd (also Southern California). Fun.

  11. Eric's niece/niche thing actually happened a third time, just with his dad correcting him instead of Mr Feeny doing it. I'm not sure what episode it's in, though.

  12. Someone who is exceptionally good at their job and is well known for it. Like a big time CEO or something.

  13. You're terrified of what will happen on GMW with Shawn and Angela? You got your wish since they don't end up together. I think they should be together and I thought their romance was more convincing than the ridiculous Cory and Topanga marriage. And there is more to Angela than leather pants. Truth be told, Topanga's character isn't all that developed either. Her only interesting trait is that she's Cory's wife/girlfriend. When the show first began, she was interesting, but then she evolved into every other 90s teen girl on a sitcom. There was nothing to her except she loved Cory. At least Angela had a back story sort of simliar to Shawns (regarding abandonment) quite frankly, the writers butchered their relationship. Many fans wanted Shawn and Angela together. I'm not exaggerating. On GMW, Shawn ends up married to some chick named Katy so he can be a father to her bratty daughter Maya. That was ridiculous. And also, Trina is not a weak actress. The only weakness is Michael Jacob's stupid ego about how there can be only one "super couple" and the God-awful notion that 19 year old should get married. He said that he got the biggest push back for breaking up Shawn and Angela. He's a dick who ruined the environment on the set according to the Danielle and Will on their podcast.

  14. 1. I LOVE ur idea on how they could have improved Jack's character.
    2. While Shawn does see Angela in GMW, she is already married and struggling with the decision to have kids with her husband. Shawn ends up marrying Katy Hart, the mother of Cory and Topanga's daughter Riley's best friend Maya. I did like them making Shawn Maya's stepfather, but I wish they'd spent more time developing the romance aspect of the relationship between Shawn and Katy. It seemed a little rushed and kind of came out of nowhere for the most part
