Monday, December 29, 2014

Episode 7x01 "Show Me The Love"

Hope you all had a good week last week. Good enough to compensate for how shitty this week is going to be, at least as far as this blog is concerned. These episodes are actually physically painful to watch, and not just because they make you punch the screen over and over.

This marks the first time that the title sequence is carried over from the previous season. 5 to 6 used the same general thing, but 6 added shots of Rachel. This time nothing is different at all, which is a bit of a let down.

One last thing before we dive in. I'm just gonna directly paste a comment on my review of Bee True from a lovely Anonymous.

Hey man! Just wanted to share this with you. Micky Dolenz directed this episode, right? Rider Strong recently told an AWESOME story that happened behind the scenes when they were filming this episode. It involved Strong, Dolenz, and... Justin Timberlake. (Apparently the guys from N*SYNC were hanging out a lot on the set in the 6th/7th season because Danielle Fishel was dating Lance Bass)

You should listen to the story. It's worth it, it's only a couple of minutes. It starts in the 52:17 mark:

It really is hilarious. 

Shawn and Cory kick things off with a bit of meta humor about how they've got Feeny as their teacher for every course this year. Yeah don't drink that joke all in one gulp, cuz it's all we've got for another twenty minutes. The boys proceed into The Dorm, where they mope and complain about their love lives. Shawn seems pretty miserable and comments that the previous year was terrible. That's confusing, since in the finale of season 6, Shawn says to Eric, "I feel really good about my life right now." So there's your lesson folks, personal fulfillment and satisfaction are worth jack when the girl you like doesn't want to date you.

So we're already frustrated with the setup, and that's just Shawn, who's secondary here.  Topanga shows up with the news that her parents officially filed for divorce that morning, and things are pretty awkward and tense.

Those aren't suspenders, they're her backpack straps. Even though she took off her backpack when she came in.

The Chubnomenon's power reaches all the way out to The Dorm today, causing Angela to show up just in time. Shawn mentioned earlier that he asked Angela to be his girlfriend again somewhere between seasons, and she hasn't really given him an answer yet, so he's still sort of waiting on that. Topanga explains that she no longer thinks love exists, and then walks out without making any sense.

What?! This is fucking ridiculous. Not only has Topanga changed into a completely different person, she's taking poor Angela along for the ride. "If love exists then why do people hurt each other all the time?" Where do you even start to explain how fucking stupid that is? A few sentences from Topanga here have convinced Angela not to be with Shawn. For crying out loud, on the list of a thousand reasons not to date Shawn Hunter, this is the one she listens to? I'm already exhausted with this.

Now, okay, alright, in 7x04 we're going to learn that Angela's mother walked out on her family, which is supposed to justify Angela's quick boarding of the Topanga Crazy Train here in this episode. Something like "my mother walked out so I'll inevitably walk out on you". But then why has she never been afraid of being with Shawn before?! I'm asking questions that don't have answers, this plot is a disaster, so let's move on.

Cory and Shawn are going to be following the girls around forever, so they all end up at Brew Lagoon, where they find Jack and Rachel. Keeping with the theme, Jack and Rachel have broken up too, but it seems like they're still good friends. Jack, by the way, has turned into a bronze Adonis in between seasons, and Rachel's hair is a little longer, which I think is a nice improvement too. The boys follow the girls outside now, and they are quickly replaced by Eric, who has a huge announcement to share with everyone in The Union.

I like this because, as Eric explains, it symbolizes his efforts to make changes in his life. There was that point in early season 5 where Eric magically had shorter hair without any comment from anyone, but we're probably not supposed to remember that. Either way, he sits down to talk with Rachel and Jack, and this whole scene is classic Eric, really funny stuff. It gives me the strength to go on.

Outside, Feeny finds the warring Corpanga, who quickly drag him into the argument. Feeny uses blatant common sense to explain to Topanga that she must only look at herself and Cory when making decisions about herself and Cory. Even this insane incarnation of Topanga isn't crazy enough to argue with Feeny, so she goes off to think about what he said. Don't get your hopes up though.

Ahhh, at long last, the (I think) only instance of the Eric Call from Feeny. Awesome.

Eric explains his haircutting metamorphosis, as well as the fact that he's been sleeping in Feeny's car at night since he got kicked out of the apartment. Eric believes that he can move back in with Jack and Rachel now that they've broken up, and thus won't be sleeping in Feeny's car anymore. Again, classic Eric, very funny.

At home, we're seeing something pretty rare, a Morgan plot thread. I don't think we've seen one of these since Alexandra Nechita. Although, it's really a joint-venture between her and Alan. Anyway, she's got her very first date tonight, with a boy in the 8th grade. This is one of the most overdone sitcom stories ever, where dad's being overprotective of his little girl.

Apparently Morgan is in the 7th grade now, which means it's time to investigate. Okay I couldn't come up with anything, but there's gotta be a moment somewhere in the first two seasons where Amy or Alan or Morgan mentions how old Morgan is or what grade she's in. I'm curious if she follows the same time skipping as Cory and Shawn, or if she ages linearly like Eric (who turns 16 in season 1 and graduates at the end of season 3). I'm assuming it's the latter. First grade in season 1 sounds about right.

Topanga and Angela arrive at The Dorm to give their verdicts on all this bull shit. Spoiler, their verdicts are bull shit too.

This is fucking ridiculous! his is the same girl from Long Walk to Pittsburgh? From Starry Night? IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSEEEEEEEEE.



So, what, is she just never gonna date again? It's completely incomprehensible. And Angela tells Shawn they can't be together either, obviously. Ugh. This is the second time Topanga has broken up with Cory. The second time. And they had a mutual breakup in season 3. IT IS TIME TO MOVE ON CORY. Anyone who can break your heart so flippantly is not worth hanging on to.

The boys try to console one another, and reason out that the girls are probably moving out of the dorm to get away from them. Indeed they are, as Eric and Jack find out at The Apartment, where Rachel has invited Topangela to move in.

There was  one-sentence exchange at Brew Lagoon in that early scene between Jack and Rachel that may have POSSIBLY implied a desire to maybe adjust their living arrangement, but Rachel absolutely took that way too far. Like how the fuck could a rational human being not check with Jack to make sure he was moving out? This makes me angry.

It cuts over to The House where it's finally time for Morgan's date. She's wearing something she calls a "tankini", a mix of a tanktop and bikini top, and even I think this one's a little too much for a 13 year old's first date. The boy arrives at the door and Amy brings him into the kitchen. He's got that 90's-as-fuck spiky gelled hair. We learn that it's the boy's first date, which makes everyone a little more comfortable, and Morgan manages to make it out of the house in her "tankini".

A group-effort-guilt-trip occurs at The Apartment, and Jack's a big pushover when Rachel's involved, so now he and Eric are stuck with nowhere to live. Eric is still hilarious though.

Cory sees his parents quickly resolve their fight about Morgan dating, and "realizes" that Topanga's parents can resolve their problems if they simply remember that they love each other. And who better to remind them than the Cory and Shawn Dream Team.

During the credits, Jack and Eric are shown having dinner in the backseat of Feeny's car. It's worth a good chuckle.

Plot: 0 - Pbbbbthhhhhhh

Character Development: 0.25 - Alan accepting his daughter's growing up is worth some points, I guess.

Humor: 1.0 - Eric was great throughout, and Cory had a lot of funny moments too, even though I didn't really mention them.

Life Lesson: 0 - God dammit, Topanga.

1.25 out of 4.0. This is only the beginning. We've got another three or four episodes of this frustration. Hopefully Eric will be consistently funny. That's about all we have to look forward to right now.

Thanks for reading, see you Wednesday.

All images used under Fair Use.


  1. So much about this episode is WTF, but one thing that makes me angry even now is that Rachel takes the apartment from Jack and Eric. And it was Jack's apartment more than anyone elses first. I don't really get where Rachel thought this was fair, but whatever. Anyway..

    I like when Eric mentions he has dinner on Thursdays in Fennys car and Fennys like, "I LIKE SPAGHETTI TOO, YOU KNOW!" Eric will always be a bright spot in this show.

    1. Yeah I don't want to keep harping on the girls in every single review, it makes me sound like a jerk, but GOD they are awful right now. I can't imagine what Rachel was thinking.

  2. Good review dude! I also hate this story arc.

    I know how much you like Eric, but how do you feel about the extreme dumbing down? For me it becomes unbearable this season. :(. With occasional exceptions (for example "Brotherly Shove", the finale) he hardly seems human and isn't the character we love. My opinion only, as I know some people love this version of Eric.

    1. Hmmm good question. This episode seemed fine, but I expect it will be annoying if he gets much dumber. I haven't watched this season very many times, so I don't really remember.

    2. Eric goes way beyond acceptable human behavior, although I do find a lot of it funny in an overall kind of dreary season. I prefer the Eric of seasons four and five over this one in terms of characterization, but I think he's pretty great throughout. The one, I know, that'll drive you craziest is one later in the season where Alan worries Eric won't be able to deal with the world -- not in a season three concern but in a way that suggests Eric might not be able to tie his shoes on his own.

      Michael Jacobs, though, likes this iteration of Eric. He mentions in one of the DVD commentaries that he didn't think they found Eric's character until around this point.

      Also, Topanga is just asinine here. Absolutely horrific.

    3. It gets really hard to swallow all of the "Eric has so much potential and is really smart" crap when every episode this season has him acting like a mental person and all of the characters treating him as such. The first five episodes this season kind of suck. In fact, half of this season kind of sucks to me.

  3. In Season 1's Teacher's Bet Morgan says she's 5 and 1/2. It's six years later so Morgan should be 11 going on 12, but she's 13.

    1. Ahhhh, you rock! I'm deputizing you.

    2. But you have to remember that Cory was in sixth grade in that episode, but now he is a sophomore in college, so really 8 years have passed. They got it right based on time jumps between seasons.

  4. Wasn't there an age jump in the high school years, maybe between season 3 and 4? Since they finished high school in four years when they started at John Adams as seventh graders.

    This episode is sooooooo bad. There's so many conditions to dating Topanga, it's just not worth it. Even worse, she's looking to ruin Jack and Eric's lives. Maybe Wendy went to Pennbrooke.

    1. There was a jump for Cory, Shawn, and Topanga. Eric aged normally.

    2. Eric aged normally until the last season, when he completed college in three years. He's four years out of high school, but he shouldn't have graduated this season. Jack's age is a little murkier. At some point in either season six or seven, Jack makes a comment about being older (to which Eric replies that he's lived longer). He presumably COULD get through college in three years. This version of Eric couldn't get the slurpee Feeny once teased him about.

  5. Extremely unpopular opinion coming in....

    While I agree with the general notion that this story arc at the beginning of this season that lasts for the first 4 or 5 episodes is easily the lowest point in the series, after this arc this season becomes my favorite in the whole show. I've never met anyone who shares this opinion with me, but I just love the overall goofiness of the final episodes of the show, and I really think people exaggerate when they say the characters became less likable.

    1. I totally agree! Season 7 after Cory and Topanga get back together is amazing. The whole Corpanga living on their own dynamic is awesome!

  6. In the season 3 finale, "Brother, Brother." Cory mentioned that Morgan was 8. That means she must have been either five 1/2 or six in the first season for this to make sense. Most kid in the seventh grade are either 12 or 13 so at the end of season 3 it was 1996, so Morgan probably turned 9 sometime during the fourth season, turned 10 in season five, 11 in season 6 and finally 12 in season seven, when she is in the seventh grade.

  7. Morgan aged by 2 years like Cory, Shawn and Topingpong.
