Monday, December 1, 2014

Episode 6x14 "Getting Hitched"

I watched episode 14 of Girl Meets World, and I couldn't even finish it. I got near the end, but as soon as Riley and Maya turned on that video of Lucas's friends? I had to turn that shit right off. The feel-good-ness is so oppressively heavy handed, I couldn't stand it. 

Episode 15 was marginally better, but still oppressively mushy toward the end. I lost count of how many times the audience went "awwww" by the end of it.

Only a few more days until the episode with Shawn, hopefully that doesn't disappoint.

The first minute and a half shows us what happened in the previous episode, but thankfully the episode itself kicks off with a much more lighthearted tone. Topanga surprises her boyfriend at The Union with her recent purchase of "The Fiancee Game". They need a couple to play against, and Eric and Rachel conveniently arrive just in time. As I'm sure you all know, you can't play The Fiancee Game without an official moderator, so Eric recruits a nearby Mister Feeny, who is surprisingly eager to participate.

 Before the hot, steamy action of The Fiancee Game can begin, it cuts over to The Dorm, where Shawn Hunter is sullenly stacking soda cans into a lovely pyramid, which is obviously a metaphor for stacking sadness into a pyramid of having a dead dad. Something like that, anyway.

Jack shows up and wants his little brother to head down to the old trailer with him and sort through the old man's stuff. The whole dead-dad/broken-heart thing has multiplied Shawn's normal angst levels by a factor of about 17.3, so he wants Jack to just throw all that old shit away, cuz he ain't goin back. 

Back at The Union, Cory and Topanga are having a very bad time in the Fiancee Game. Cory's answered every question wrong, and presumably so has Topanga. Eric and Rachel are rocking out though, including Rachel knowing that Eric's favorite fish is "penguin". Feeny can see that Topanga's getting upset so he ends the game and Rachel heads home, but Eric's getting relationshippy thoughts as a result of his success in the game. So that will surely come up later, which I'm not excited about. This scene, though, has been one of the very few where Racheric were actually fun to watch.

Topanga decides that the only reasonable solution to this problem is for her and Cory to move in together. 

It's amazing to me that she can be ready to live with him, and still not ready to have sex with him. I feel like the natural order is sex -> live together -> get engaged, yet they're proceeding in the reverse order. 

Chet's old trailer is pretty messy, leaving Jack without any idea where to start. It takes about five seconds for Shawn to show up. He hugs it out with his brother and starts to have a look around. I really don't understand where this total change of heart came from, but it moves the plot along. Shawn seems unusually excited to find his dad's lighter, and stashes it in his pocket without saying anything, so that should be significant later. Most important, though, is when he finds a letter from Jack's stepfather, telling Chet not to worry about paying him back. Turns out, Shawn's tuition money was coming from Jack's stepdad! Dun dun dunnnn. That's actually a fantastic bit of detail that I never saw coming when I first watched the series. I fully expected them to just sweep it under the rug. On the other hand, Jack said he was paying for college with student loans, so I'm not sure why his stepdad would pay for Shawn but not Jack. Probably just an oversight.

I wonder if it's deliberate when Jack says "your father" instead of "our father".

Eric arrives at The Dorm, where Cory is eagerly waiting for Topanga in his expensive new silk pajamas. Eric's looking for advice about what to do with Rachel. He mentions the "unspoken competition" between him and Jack, which, pfff, come on, unspoken? But Cory doesn't give a shit since he thinks he's gonna get laid tonight. And frankly, that's a reasonable assumption. Cory finally gets him out the door, but not before Topanga arrives with a bag full of her stuff, since she's moving in or whatever. Eric asks her "Oooh what'd you bring, toys?", and see this is an interesting line. If you're young, and you think Eric is merely displaying his innocence as he thinks Topanga would come over to play with toys, then sure, that's chuckle worthy. But if you're an adult, and you think that Eric has picked up on the presumed sexual nature of this encounter, due to Cory's pajamas and sheets and behavior, then that line takes on a very different, and awkward, meaning. I don't know how they got away with that. Surely they were going for the first option, but it's way too close to the line.

Doesn't matter anyway cuz Topanga ain't here to sin. She just wants to have a normal, sex-free living-together situation.

Back at the trailer, Shawn's raving about how he doesn't want to be a charity case for Jack's family. Let's travel back in time to my review of Season 1 Episode 10, and I quote, "Indeed, it's not that Shawn hates charity, he hates pity. He hates self righteous people thinking that he needs help. But in this case Cory didn't help Shawn because Shawn needs help, he helped Shawn because they're friends." How fucking spot on was that shit? That has been consistent through the whole series, and we're seeing it now in this episode. This time, replace "Cory" with "Jack", and "friends" with "family", and Shawn is once again willing to accept it. 

The trouble isn't over though. Shawn still isn't really willing to help Jack learn about their father, since he thinks it's all shitty stuff that's just gonna make the situation worse. Some sad music plays as we head back to CoTopangary. 

There's a handful of jokes in this scene that are completely based on the fact that Topanga's wearing a green face-cream mask and it looks weird. Okay, serious question, are we ten years old right now? That is some terrible, lazy ass writing. Booooo. Booooooooo.

Eric Kramer's his way into the room again, and nothing worth mentioning happens. When he leaves, he plays with Topanga's face for some reason... It seems like a reference? I have no idea.

He sucks one of his fingers clean as he walks out, which gets the standard "eewww" from the audience, but just as they finish their group expression, some guy yells out "sick!", it's clearly audible in the footage, and he sounds truly disgusted. Honestly the funniest thing to happen today. You should go listen for that, it's hilarious.

Topanga goes to wash off her mask before bed, and Cory... starts praying. He spends like a whole minute asking God to bless various people, which I guess is nice of him? But it's really not very engaging television. Topanga joins the praying and asks God to bless Cory, just before a fade over to The Apartment. 

What in the gosh darn heck was that? Their entire living-together experience has been a disaster so far, and they're continuing to see how much they don't know about each other, but we're supposed to throw all that aside because they prayed for each other? I don't get it at all. What on earth are we supposed to take away from that? It's weird.

Anyway, Jack tries to explain how he's feeling to Rachel, but starts to break down as his emotions overwhelm him. In particular, he's having trouble dealing with the fact that he'll never get to know his real dad, but he has to keep it locked away for Shawn's sake. In the heat of the moment, somebody on the show finally gets to kiss Rachel. And it ain't Eric, much to his disappointment, as he walks in just as things start to heat up.

I'm... actually pretty okay with that. That sort of thing definitely happens in real life, and I like how they made it a curveball by making us think Eric was gonna make something happen.

In the final scene, Cory shows up at the trailer and informs Shawn that he is in fact still a virgin, much to his disappointment. Shawn thinks it's a good time to "get outta here", and wants to hit the road with the trailer. He invites Cory along, which Cory accepts, and that's about it. I can't claim to fully understand how trailers work, but there has always been a hallway on the back wall leading to the bedrooms, and now that's just not there anymore.

Plot: 0.75 - Yeah it's fine. The Cory story was fun comic relief except for when he started praying... Jack and Shawn were sort of connected but also independent, and Rachel was interesting for probably the first time ever.

Character Development: 1.0 - Eric finds that he has feelings for Rachel beyond the superficial, but she's currently got her tongue in Jack's mouth. Cory and Topanga realize that they don't know each other as well as they thought, and maybe they're not ready to live together. Shawn wants to head out on his own. That's some good shit all around.

Humor: 1.0 - Honestly I'm just giving it for the guy who yelled "Sick!". Seriously, you should go listen to that.

Life Lesson: 0.5 - Living with your SO is harder than you might think.

3.25 out of 4.0. It's actually a pretty good episode. I expected much worse. And the title is pretty clever, like hitched for Cory and Topanga and their living together, and also Shawn hitching up his trailer for the road. I think I've covered everything I want to say.

Thanks for reading, see you Wednesday!

All images used under Fair Use.


  1. I don't know about the episode making it seem like eric and rachel would get together, i remember a line after the fiancee game that suggest eric watches her shower secretly or something.

  2. Is this the one where Shawn wears a bandana? He looks like a moron.

  3. I agree with what you said about Girl Meets World. It doesn't have the same feel as Boy Meets World. Sometimes it feels like an after-school special. But I did see the episode with Shawn that's coming up and it was actually pretty good. Rider Strong did an excellent job and there were a lot of references to BMW. However, Amy and Alan didn't get much to do in the episode. And, there was NO mention of Eric or Morgan. I get that they don't want to reveal anything about Eric. But they could have at least said something like "too bad Eric couldn't be here" or something.

    1. whaaaat you saw it early? lucky

    2. It's on like the pilot was but if you don't have cable (like me) it's on YouTube in REALLY BAD quality though. Just search the episode title and "part 1" and it'll show up. They did a really good job with the Shawn character in my opinion and there were great scenes between Cory/Shawn and Riley/Maya with the four of them together.

  4. Hey there. While I think most of your reviews of BMW are spot on, I think you're being overly harsh towards GMW. Honestly, I feel like there's a lot more going on behind the scenes. My theory is that Michael Jacobs and co. are pandering to the network. It almost feels like some of the things we dislike about the first season (the Drake and Josh-type gags, Farkle's over-the-top antics, etc.) were put there just to appease the network execs. Now that they have the network's trust, they're going to do the show they really want to do.

    I think Season 2 will be much better, based on the live taping experiences I've read online. I'm not giving up on it just yet. I hope you don't either. :)

    1. You may be right. And hey, I love Drake and Josh. Maybe that's just nostalgia though.

  5. I just found this site and I'm thoroughly enjoying these reviews. Keep them up!

    I haven't read all of them, so I might have missed it, but did you comment on the GMW episode "6x12 Girl Meets Forgotten "? That was the first and only BMW quality episode this season imo. So it's got the potential, it just needs to tone down the Disneyfied shenanigans and stop giving Auggie his own storylines, noone cares about the exploits of a 6 year old.

    1. Welcome! Glad to have you. I posted on reddit about that one, and I think I made a quick comment about Harley in one of these reviews. And you're right, that episode completely refueled my desire to watch GMW. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and Harley was amazing.

      And I agree, Auggie might even be worse than Morgan.

    2. I think Auggie is worse than Morgan. Morgan fit into the structure of BMW as the annoying sister to Cory same as Eric was the big brother. Auggie isn't the pest younger brother since he and Riley never interact. Like a line every few episodes and then they had this past one. He's only there to give Danielle Fishel lines every episode. Last I watched was Friendship and that was just bad which really stands out since there were quite a few that were actually good earlier this season.

      To the episode, I like this one though there isn't a moment or joke I say stands out.

    3. Spot on as usual there Ben. It's weird, I had pretty much no memory of anything in this episode, except that Jack's dad paid for Shawn's tuition. That fact stands out, but I wouldnt' have been able to tell you which episode it came from before yesterday.

    4. Oh yeah, that stands out. I remember when Shawn yelled if he payed for his shirt and Jack said I wouldn't pay for this shirt. That got a chuckle out of me. It's a good episode, but no "hey remember this." The next episode I remember a lot more, probably not for good reasons.

  6. Eric AND Mr. Feeny will both be on Girl Meets World in Season 2, along with Shawn in an episode called "Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels"

  7. On the other hand, Jack said he was paying for college with student loans, so I'm not sure why his stepdad would pay for Shawn but not Jack. Probably just an oversight.

    ^ Initially, when introduced, Jack was a self-made person, who had a job and saved up, is paying for his own school, etc. Later on, he becomes depressed when his stepfather cuts him off, making him "poor"

    and yeah, personally, I choose to be in debt than have my father pay. He pays for other people, and he can do that, it's his money. I personally don't like people spending on me, whether it's birthday gifts, christmas gifts, college tuition, etc.

    Which is why I relate so well with Shawn sometimes. Don't need no pity, don't need no charity

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Just wanted to point out that Shawn is wearing his "ohm" shirt again in this episode. You can see he's wearing it underneath the button down when he takes the button down off in one of the trailer scenes.


  10. What in the gosh darn heck was that? Their entire living-together experience has been a disaster so far, and they're continuing to see how much they don't know about each other, but we're supposed to throw all that aside because they prayed for each other? I don't get it at all. What on earth are we supposed to take away from that? It's weird


    That Topenga sees that even though Cory has some quirks, he is a good, thoughtful person, the kind of person she can spend her life with. That the good outweighs the bad and they can get used to each other's quirks if they value the same things.

  11. I think this episode is where Topanga's refusal to have premarital sex infuriated me the most. It's fine if you want to do that, for whatever reasons, even if I don't agree with them - but LIVING TOGETHER is just fine for you?? I'm sure there are people who think like that in real life too, but man I just do not get it at all.

    My takeaway from the praying scene was that it was something weird/out-of-character that Cory does, that Topanga didn't know about because they didn't live together. Doesn't fully explain it though, it's still a very strange scene.
