Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Episode 5x18 "If You Can't Be With The One You Love..."

Then grow the fuck up cuz you can't always have what you want.

*Edit* Thanks to the anonymous commenter, I now know that today is the 21st anniversary of the premiere of Boy Meets World! The series is 21 years old on the day I review the episode about drinking. What the hell are the odds? That is just fantastic.

Shawn and Cory emerge from Feeny's classroom after a lesson on feudalism, and for some reason it's made Shawn very angry. I dunno, I think feudalism is kinda cool. As Topanga passes by, Cory wishes her a good weekend, and she returns the gesture, but she's clearly not suffering the way that Cory is. Shawn explains that she's handling the breakup "with dignity", and then adopts this grizzled accent to say "while you, Norton, are a train wreck." Google has given me no aid in deciphering this message. It must be a quote since he put on that accent, but I can't figure out where it's from. The audience laughs, it must mean something. Help me out.

See, Cory's being a real Debbie Downer after this breakup. Almost everyone has been invited to Kimberly Sussman's "new nose" party tonight, but not Cory, as Shawn points out. He's just too depressing to be around, and even Shawn is getting sick of it. For the record, that sounds ridiculous, but I actually did know a girl in college who threw a "new nose party". They do exist, I'm afraid.

That's pretty harsh. Just before we cut to commercial, Cory comments that he doesn't like himself either, and that "I'm done with me."

We cut to Kimberly's party, where the hostess herself asks Angela if she can dance with Shawn. Angela tells Kimberly she can do whatever she wants, "but he'll be going home with me~." WooOOooo sounds like Shawn might be dying in a horror movie pretty soon! Angela actually looks fantastic in this scene, I don't know why her hairstyles are so hit or miss.

And now Cory Matthews crashes the party. He's oozing with confidence and doesn't even flinch when Kimberly namedrops Topanga, so she invites him in. We fade over to Cory regaling the partygoers with the story of First Girlfriends Club, which, let's be honest, is the perfect story to tell at a party. Topanga shows up and Cory doesn't give a shit. Clearly something drastic has taken place. As soon as she sees Cory having a good time as the life of the party, Topanga bails. It... grrrr, it makes my blood boil. What the fuck is her problem. A song starts playing that I recognize from another episode, it took me a minute but it's the song that plays at The Boom Boom Room near the end of Last Tango in Philly.

Well we didn't have to wait long to solve the mystery. We now see Cory taking a swig of whiskey in the bathroom. Shawn comes a-knockin, apparently Cory's been in there a while, and Cory invites his best friend to have a drink with him.

You know why anti drug and alcohol programs don't work? Because the message is always "it's terrible, you'll hate it and regret it and suffer the consequences." And then people try it and think "Wow, this is great, I feel awesome, those programs were lying to me." So what's Boy Meets World doing right? It's starting off by showing us the allure, it's not some popular kids pressuring a high horse protagonist (see: Full House and every other 90s sitcom), it's Cory fuckin Matthews offering a drink to his best buddy. It's liquid confidence! Cory is relaxed and confident and he left his broken heart at the door, all thanks to a little whiskey. So now it's a question of whether the bad outweighs the good, which is exactly the direction that I think school programs should be taking. Scare tactics do not work and Michael Jacobs evidently knows that.

UNFORTUNATELY, we'll never see anything like this with Girl Meets World, since Disney Channel banned this episode from being shown on their network. And that's ultimately why I think Girl is doomed, but we'll just have to see.

Shawn and Cory continue taking swigs of whiskey, with their own little sound effects after each gulp. Very funny. Very relatable.

The party's over after the commercial break, as Cory and Shawn wander down some street in a drunken stupor, discussing how they peed on the roof of cop car number 72. Public urination is a common joke on tv when it comes to drunkenness, but like, I've been pretty damn smashed in my days and yet I have never had the urge to whip my dick out and let loose outside of a bathroom. I'll never understand that one. Anyway, the boys offer some cash to some random guy to buy them beer, and he does, but shortly after that cop car 72 pulls up with lights flashing to arrest the boys.

Not much else comes out of that scene, except that Cory does some emotional-drunk talk about how Shawn is more important than Topanga. Alcohol is basically truth serum, so I'm going to go ahead and declare that this is the canonical answer. Cory loves Shawn more than Topanga. Done. It's done.

We're at home after the commercial, and Alan is pissed. He claims that "the charges" have been dropped since they're minors with no priors, but I'm not sure what the charges were exactly. I guess the cop saw them peeing on his car earlier? Maybe open container laws? Whatever, the point is that Alan is being a typical parent right now, thinking that his child can do no wrong. He's convinced that bad bad Shawn convinced sweet sweet Cory to steal his whiskey and drink it. That's real as hell, so many parents are like that, refusing to see their child's mistakes. We're pulling out all the stops in this episode.

Shawn decides to play along with Alan's accusations, just as a favor to his best friend, so Alan keeps saying some pretty hurtful shit. Amy doesn't want to jump to conclusions though, and pulls her husband into the other room. Shawn explains that it's just easier this way since everyone expects the worst out of him, but once Amy and Alan return, Cory comes clean anyway. Alan gives Shawn a serious apology for what he said, and it's honestly really moving. At the end of the scene, Cory and Shawn agree not to drink anymore, but there's still eight minutes left so that's probably not gonna work out.

Indeed it did not work out, as Shawn has a full blown outburst in Feeny's class, evidently the result of drinking. They still managed to make it funny though. Ultimately, Feeny kicks Shawn out of class and excuses Cory to go make sure he's okay. Cory follows the drunk Shawn back to The Apartment, where Shawn grabs another beer from the fridge. Jack comes home and we learn that old Chet Hunter was a pretty abusive drunk. Further, that's actually the reason Jack's mother left Chet in the first place.

This got weird really quick. Like, we were on a nice sightseeing tour and then drove straight off a cliff. Somehow we got to Shawn activating his alcoholism genes. I'll go on record here saying that the first thirteen minutes were great, ending with the agreement not to drink anymore. What I do like about this scene though is when Cory says "I thought we agreed to stop drinking." It's not a fear thing, it's not "remember what my dad said", they made the decision themselves. That's good stuff.

Anyway, back on track, Shawn isn't happy about Jack insulting their father.

The events escalate, Topanga and Angela show up, Angela doesn't want Shawn to drink anymore, and so he shoves her into the door, a callback to Chet being an abusive drunk. Holy shit dude. Realistic or not, it convinces Shawn to stop drinking. He apologizes to Alan, then to Feeny and Topanga, and finally to Angela.

And that's... how it ends... The credits are just some guitar music over the show's logo.


Plot: 1.0 - The first thirteen minutes were a compelling look at a relatable high school student getting drunk at a party. The main characters, high school students, made the choice on their own to get drunk. That shit never happens on TV. Never. Where does it happen? In real god damn life, that's where. It was as not-preachy as a show can possibly be while still maintaining the message. I'm impressed. And then that last eight minutes, I don't even know what that was. The writers clearly just threw it together after using all their good ideas in the first part.

Character Development: 1.0 - Cory was actually interesting in this episode, very real. And I guess Shawn dealing with his family's alcoholism is meaningful.

Humor: 0.75 - It's hard to get that full point without Eric, but it was still pretty funny.

Life Lesson: 0.5 - Drink responsibly.

3.25 out of 4.0. It's actually pretty good. MUCH better than I remember. I've said most of what I want to say already, I just want to reiterate how strange that last eight minutes is. Like why did they even bother doing the "Cory is the bad one this time" thing if Shawn was gonna jump off the deep end for no reason?

Thanks for reading, see you Friday for an episode we're all excited about.

All images used under Fair Use.


  1. The Norton line is a reference to the 1950s sitcom "The Honeymooners".

    For me, this is the best serious / message episode of the series. The issue was dealt with in a realistic manner. Unlike most teen sitcoms, I think that they portrayed Shawn's potential future as an abusive (both physical and verbal) alcoholic fairy well not only with him pushing Angela against the door but with him being a complete asshole to Cory when he says, "By the way, [Topanga's] getting out of school right about now. Why don’t you go across the street from her and cry?" That's one of the only downright horrible things that Shawn ever says to Cory in the entire series. If he's mean to Cory, you know it's serious!

    1. Ah, see, I took that "go across the street and cry" thing as more humorous, but that's wrong and you're definitely right, he was being cruel. That's significantly more interesting. Great catch.

      And thanks for the Norton bit :D

    2. You're welcome on both counts!

      By the way, I was going to post a video of a "Hey Dude" episode dealing with teen drinking (in an awful, awful way) with an added laugh track which makes fun of all the stupid things that the characters say but sadly it has been removed from YouTube.

    3. I've actually never seen that. But apparently they starting showing reruns of it on TeenNick in 2011? The fuck is that about?

      That video sounds hilarious though.

  2. I like this episode.. a lot. It also does teen drinking really well, where as Shawn and Jack are going to never drink again ever, but are learning how to deal with it because their father had a problem with it. Also Shawn and Cory.. forever. Topanga is really bugging though.

    Fun fact: It's Boy Meets World 21st birthday today! I find it a little bit funny that this was the episode you reviewed today and the show is of legal drinking age!

    1. HOLY SHIT! That's an unbelievable coincidence, wowwww. That is so cool, thank you so much for pointing that out, I'm gonna add that to the top of the post.

  3. This episode is pretty great till that third act. Not necessarily that it was poor, just out of no where. Suddenly this is a Shawn episode. It should have been Cory and maybe he and Alan have a real heart to heart. Though that might tread into "Very Special Episode" territory which this episode wasn't. Maybe there was some restriction that you have to have the main character learn the lesson, but it's okay for the "bad boy heartthrob" to still have a problem so it doesn't just go away.

    Regardless of that, it might have been better if they just tried to stretch it out a bit. Obviously Shawn didn't go home with Angela and he was pretty smashed when he and Cory were on the street. What happened between those drinks in the bathroom and pissing on a cop car? A real shocker for a PSA would've been instead of being drunk and public urination and then Cory mentioning having a hangover, they're just fine after a night of a few drinks. Instead they decide to start drinking again in a night out and then they get messed up and arrested. Shawn could still display that mean drunk in him when they go to the Mexican Restaurant to harass Angela and Topanga. Cory starts a fight with the Dancing Guy. Okay, maybe I'm getting carried away there.

    I think GMW is doing okay, yeah, they won't have this episode and probably not something like the Anne Frank episode. But I don't think it needs those episodes. It needs episodes and character arcs like Security Guy and The Eskimo.

  4. Carl Alexander Ludvig von HacklheberSeptember 24, 2014 at 6:28 PM

    This was one of my favourite episodes this season, and maybe one of my favourite episodes ever, if i remember it correctly. The street scene and the scene with Alan were both really moving, and reinforces the notion that Shawn and Cory are the real relationship in this series.

    I have to say, though, that i didn't really buy Alan's outburst at Shawn. This whole "I'm sick and tired of overlooking the influence you're having on my kid" thing. What influence? I don't actually remember a time when Cory did something truly terrible because of Shawn, and in any case Alan seems to have accepted, even welcomed Shawn's place in Cory's life a long time ago. So where's all this frustration coming from?

    1. Carl Alexander Ludvig von HacklheberSeptember 24, 2014 at 6:31 PM

      And i just noticed the time stamp on my comment says "September 24, 2014 at 6:28 PM", which blows my mind a bit, because it's 9:30am on the 25th of September here, even though i'm quite aware of how time zones work.

    2. Hmm, maybe I just got sold on William Russ's acting. But I guess there have been a few shenanigans, like City Slackers. the B & B's B 'n B, and it was Shawn's idea to lie to Topanga about Lauren.

      And it looks like the timestamps are coming from west coast USA, even though I am on the east coast. There's probably some setting somewhere, I dunno.

  5. This episode is way better than it could have been, but it still suffered from what I like to call Very Special Episode syndrome, where the character both gets into and recovers from a very serious problem in an unrealistically short timespan, to keep the plot and message confined to one episode. I feel like this episode should have been split into a two-parter, with the first one focusing on Cory and the second one focusing on Shawn. Hey, how about instead of the Starry Night stuff, have Cory and Topanga rekindle their relationship by bonding over helping Shawn stop drinking?

    By the way, if you want an anti-drug episode that doesn't talk down to its audience, Home Improvement had an anti-pot episode ("What a Drag") that is actually a fairly balanced portrayal and remains humorous throughout.

    Also, are the children of drunks more or less likely to want to try alcohol as a kid? Because at first I thought it silly that a kid who grew up in a trailer park has never tasted whiskey before, but on the other hand maybe he was scared off by his father's behavior.

    1. I’m glad someone said this. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great episode and I quite like the more serious BMW episodes, but it absolutely fell into the Very Special Episode trope in that Shawn’s weeklong alcohol bingeing disappeared after a week.

      I think Sean is so enamored with Cory and Shawn’s relationship he’s a lot less critical of things with them than Topanga or Angela. Speaking of Angela, it’s funny that you say she “actually looks fantastic” with her hair in bangs and a ponytail smh. I actually think the phony pony and bangs looked … not all that great compared to her more natural-leaning hairdos.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "I don't know why [Angela's] hairstyles are so hit or miss" I can wager a guess as to why you think that way...

  8. Anyway, this episode bugged me, because Bad Boy Shawn would definitely drink in high school. His initial astonishment at Cory's doing so was totally out of character. I expected more of a "all right Cor, finally having some fun!" and less of a "oh my god, you're DRINKING?? but we're underage!!"

  9. Spot on with this write-up, I truly believe that this website needs a lot more attention. I'll probably be back again to read more, thanks for the advice!


  10. Topanga annoyed me too with the party, like she needed Cory to be miserable. And then again when referring to the party. Cory: “you should’ve seen me. I was adorable.” Topanga: “I did. You weren’t.” Um, yes he was, Topanga. Literally everyone loved him but you.

  11. Topanga was the most irritating part of this episode, to me. First of all, I really hope the “I did. You weren’t.” doesn’t become accepted as canon by the show, since we saw literally a few scenes ago, how everyone DID like him at the party. He WAS adorable.

    Second, she pulled the same “and you listened” in reference to convincing Cory to go on a date with Lauren with her whole “I don’t really care.” Cory says “ok”. She says “it’s ok with you that I don’t care?!” She really is manipulative as hell and just wants him to moon over her while she acts like she wants nothing to do with him.

  12. Yep. I agree with these latter postings. The real “very special episode” here shouldn’t be about alcohol, it should be about a destructive relationship.
    Cory becomes self-destructive because his girlfriend broke up with him. Topanga is acting completely passive-aggressive with Cory. That line in the classroom by Topanga the next schoolday after the party should be a major redflag. Topanga tells Cory she doesn’t care, with conviction, and that’s interesting. That’s a believable reaction by an ex-girlfriend who broke up with a guy and is setting boundaries. Then, she reacts with that “It’s ok that I don’t care?” line. That shows that she didn’t really mean it when she broke up with Cory and is stringing him along in order to punish him. This is an unhealthy relationship.

    I’m not anti-Topanga either. I reiterate that Cory ruined Topanga’s life with the Yale decision. I’m simply pointing out that these two people are very bad for each other.

    Here’s how to fix this episode. Take out the message about Shawn’s family history with alcohol and replace it with a message about Cory needing help for a codependent relationship.
    After Alan reacts that way with Shawn and discovers he was wrong when Cory gets all melodramatic about how “losing Topanga was like losing his soul”, Amy tells Alan, “Our son has a serious problem, Alan. I think he might be in need of help.”
    Alan apologizes to Shawn and tells him that he’s the most important relationship in his son’s life, and that Topanga is the destructive influence.
