Friday, February 7, 2014

Episode 2x17 "On the Air"

*EDIT* This post is dumb. And it's stupid. Here is my real review of this episode.

This episode is bad, so I'm going to make up my own better story to go with the pictures.

John Adams High has just finished the construction and installation of its extremely hi-tech Karaoke Room. Feeny's birthday is that weekend, plus he's the god damn principal, so he gets first dibs. He brings in his favorite student, that nerdy guy Alvin from 2x14, and the pair perform an absolutely adorable rendition of "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better".

The Karaoke Room is broadcast throughout the school during lunch. Shawn and Cory are listening from the cafeteria. The boys are so impressed by Feeny and Alvin that they jury rig a recording device into the loudspeaker. Shawn's uncle Ralph works as at a local music label, so the boys' plan is to drop off the recording and get Feeny a record deal for his birthday.

Unfortunately, Mr. Turner comes in with his fuckin 10 calorie lunch (seriously, look at that) and catches them in the act. The boys want the record deal to be a surprise, but Mr. Turner will almost certainly spill the beans to Feeny. To cover, they tell Turner that the recording is for them to listen to at home, so they can take notes and try to be better singers themselves. Turner believes their story, and admits that he was thinking of doing the same thing. He explains to Shawn and Cory that the best way to improve at singing is to practice, and suggests they try out the Karaoke Room for themselves. Realizing that their lie has led to an imminent, meteoric rise to stardom, Cory and Shawn excitedly practice foreplay for all those groupies they're about to have. 

At lunch the next day, Cory and Shawn are in the Karaoke Room. They've brought along a female student and potential groupie named Sarah to sing with them. Shawn sits out the first song while Cory and Sarah perform "A Whole New World" from Disney's Aladdin.

That scene honestly made me cry. I love that song. You probably don't recognize her with red hair, but Sarah is played by Taylor Swift. She sings this song quite well, and there's no doubt it played a big part in getting her career started. The students in the cafeteria are all very impressed by the performance, and rightfully so.

But wait! Cory and Shawn realize that they left the recording device in the loudspeaker the day before. Because the tech in 1994 had a really shitty amount of memory, Cory's performance of A Whole New World has overwritten their previous recording of Feeny doing I Can Do Anything Better Than You. So they've ruined their gift for Feeny, but in for a penny in for a pound, so Cory wants to try to get a record deal for himself, and Shawn agrees to be his agent. They couldn't afford to build a set for the record label office, so we just skip ahead to the next day, and indeed Cory got the record deal. He performs again at lunch and the groupies show up.

Good thing he got that practice earlier. 

So this has disturbed the natural order of things. Shawn is used to being fawned over, but now he has to watch Cory get all the attention. He snidely resigns as Cory's agent and storms off. During class later that day, Mr. Feeny observes the hostility between Cory and Shawn and tries to understand the situation. Cory explains that Shawn is being a jealous piece of crap, and then Feeny unsuccessfully tries to mend the friendship.

Cory goes off to the Karaoke Room again, and gives such a commanding performance that the entire school bursts into dance, and it's really just, it's incredible. Watch this gif a few times and really understand how ridiculous some of these people looked on national television.

As you can see, Feeny and Turner think this situation's become a little too much to handle. Their only option is to get Shawn to dethrone Cory as the voice of the Karaoke Room. They know that Shawn has a more sultry and smooth singing voice than Cory, one that the students won't want to dance to. So the two teachers go find Shawn and bring him to the Karaoke Room. Turner pushes Cory away from the microphone and Shawn rushes in to start singing "Fly Me To The Moon" by Frank Sinatra.

The students all love Shawn, and now all the groupies want Shawn instead of Cory. You can see how sad Cory is in the back of that gif there. That's the look of a reinstated status quo, my friends. Everything's back to normal and the students aren't dancing anymore. Since this show has no sense of continuity whatsoever, I doubt we'll ever hear about the Karaoke Room again. Also Eric won 10 million dollars. 

Obvious perfect score, only a genius could have written this episode.

Thanks for reading, see you Monday.

Clips and images used under Fair Use.


  1. ....did you really just do that.

  2. This is a noticeably more fun story to go with the pictures than the actual (and ridiculous) one that aired. Kudos to you.

    1. Heh, thanks. I enjoyed making the singalong subtitles on the gifs, in particular. Gotta keep improving my craft, ya know?

  3. Whenever someone asks me why I love Boy Meets World, I only have one word:


  4. I could definitely understand why you regret writing this because the episode was actually pretty good, but this was really funny. It was like you imitating Full House Reviewed. And that's a compliment, because I love that blog.
