Monday, November 18, 2013

Episode 1x10 "Santa's Little Helper"

Before the title sequence, Mr. Feeny finishes reading "A Christmas Carol" to the class, even though he's only on the first page of the book.

Historically, Christmas episodes of sitcoms are terrible and end with some cheesy "Season's Greetings" Christmas card thing with a photograph of the cast and an animated signature. I might almost say that I am a Scrooge about Christmas episodes, but I wouldn't actually say that because it's not funny. I genuinely don't remember how this episode goes, so maybe I'll be impressed. 

Cory and Shawn are dicks to Minkus and Topanga at lunch, and contrary to the audience's belief, it isn't funny. Minkus is a nerd, Topanga is weird, we get it. Then again, they are sixth graders and this is how sixth graders make fun of people, so I guess if they're going for realism...

Cory and Shawn talk about Christmas gifts (Cory's getting a super rad basketball) and Minkus comes by to collect Shawn's contribution to the Mr.-Feeny's-gift fund. Shawn dodges and pivots (Basketball verbs) the inquiry, and eventually runs away. 

In an exchange between Alan and Amy we learn that the mall Santa had a heart attack as soon as Morgan told him what she wanted. Morgan now thinks she killed Santa Claus. I had to use google just now to make sure I spelled Claus correctly. There's a running gag in this episode about how wool is a shitty fabric. There might be a big joke about it later, so there's the context for you just in case. 

Cory wants to call Shawn to tell him about all his new presents under his tree. Alan, the wise sage that he is, responds by presenting a character point about Shawn that's actually significant throughout the entire series.

That's right folks, Shawn is poor, but more importantly he's insecure about it. Anyone who watched Boy Meets World in the past knows how critical this is to the series, and this is actually the first time it's brought up. Equally significant is that Cory's immediate reaction to this knowledge is to give Shawn one of his own gifts; he wants to help his best friend not feel so unfortunate. This is also critical to the series. 

Cory tries to give Shawn his awesome basketball, but it doesn't go over well.

WASN'T THAT BEAUTIFUL?! Cory wants to be appreciated. Shawn hates charity. These opposing characteristics will engage in glorious combat many more times and it's absolutely fantastic. I love seeing friends struggle with conflict. And this isn't some petty shit that gets resolved with nice music and a hug by the end of the episode. This is a life long battle between best friends, and we've just witnessed the drawing of first blood. Awesome.

Minkus comes to collect Shawn's contribution again, and it goes pretty much the same as before. After Shawn leaves, Cory makes up a story about owing Shawn five dollars and not paying him back.
Once again we see Cory trying to take some weight off of Shawn's shoulders. It's a nice gesture, but as we already saw, Shawn is rather averse to charity. Shawn will inevitably find out about this, but I don't know how he'll react and I'm genuinely interested to find out. Good work Boy Meets World, you've captivated your audience. Plot Badge.

Shawn goes to thank Minkus after class for putting his name on the card. Minkus regales Shawn with the story of Cory's debt repayment. The two exchange "Merry Christmas", which is pretty adorable.

We see a distraught Cory on his back porch. Shawn shows up and gives a worn out basketball net that he found to Cory as a gift. I'm going to write the rest of this scene for you guys as if I were the writers for any other sitcom in history.

Shawn: "I know what you did, Cory. With the five dollars and all."
Cory: "You do..? Look, I'm sorry, I know you hate chari-"
Shawn: "It's okay Cory. I know you were just looking out for me... Thanks."
Cory: "No problem, Shawn. That's just what best friends do." 

And that would be disgusting and would reinforce my cynical view of Christmas episodes. However, Boy Meets World is a good show so that's not what happens. They poke some fun at each other and play with the basketball a little. Shawn does not even mention the five dollars or the gift for Feeny. Neither does Cory, for that matter. Either of those would have completely dismantled the theme of this episode. Cory probably believes that Shawn thinks Minkus just did him a favor, which is reasonable since that is what Shawn thought initially. 

The point is that this time, Cory isn't looking for thanks or acknowledgement. Indeed, it's not that Shawn hates charity, he hates pity. He hates self righteous people thinking that he needs help. But in this case Cory didn't help Shawn because Shawn needs help, he helped Shawn because they're friends. Even if Shawn were rich, Cory would have done this for him. THAT is the difference.

I love that gif. It should be obvious by now, but this episode has earned a Character Development Badge.

Mr. Feeny dresses up as Santa to make Morgan not feel like a murderer anymore. They take the cast photo at the end but there's no "Season's Greetings" or anything, thank goodness.

0.5 for humor, 1 for plot, 1 for character development. This episode's life lesson was kind of embedded in the character development, so I dunno. Half a point, I guess. 

3/4 With two badges. Definitely worth watching.

See you Wednesday.

Clips and images used under Fair Use.


  1. In a 2010 article in The Huffington Post 'Santa's Little Helper' was listed as one of TV's top Christmas themed episodes of all time. The episode originally aired December 10, 1993, and is considered a cult classic.

  2. "The Office" had particularly awesome Christmas specials. My two favorites were the season two special "Christmas Party" and the season six Christmas special "Secret Santa" (a really excellent episode in a slightly down season). That season 6 special is totally worth it just to see Michael play a bitchy, asshole Jesus.

    If you haven't watched "The Office"...actually, I honestly don't think it could be MORE different than "Boy Meets World". But it's a great show anyways.
